List of Members



Members List

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Nicholas AbbickOverland park, Ks35L

Cheryl AbeleLayton, UT50

Rick AbellKettering, OH50

Jerry AbernethySouthampton, PA37

Afif Abla*Beruit, Lebanon48C

Rachael AbramsDallas, TX50

Edward AchironPocono Summit, PA5050 by age 38

John Adamowski50

Tina AdamsDallas, Ga50All 50 states in two years

Kelly AdamsDawsonville, GA40

Janice and Mark AdamsSchulenburg, TX50

Christine AdamsMitchellville, MD42

Joel AdamsSaratoga Springs, UT50

Mark Adams49

Robin AdamsLondonderry, NH50

Jim Adams48

Kathleen Adams-FunkMillmont, PA50P

Sarah AdamsonThe Villages, FL50P50 by 51!

Matthew AddisParkville, Maryland50

Nucharat AddisParkville, Maryland50

Carolyn AddisonCheraw, SC50state capitals

Marcia and David AdlerEllicott City, MD50

Adrian AdsheadMadison, WI36

Patricia AdsitAuburn, Georgia5050th State on my 70th Birthday

Fred & Marjie AggersSalisbury, NC50

Nancy AgnewChapel Hill, NC50

Marilyn AgnewChapel Hill, NC50

Dana AguileraRancho Santa Margarita, CA37

Candace Aguirre Holley*Hempstead, NEW YORK50All 50 before 50

Matthew AhlbornAppleton, WI50Drove the contiguous 48 twice, in under 4 years

Ajaz and Fouzia Siddiqui AhmedHarrisonburg, Virginia49We believe that we are the first couple from Pakistani origin to complete all 50 states!

Justin AhrensFort Collins, Co50

Heidi & Marko Aijala*Hixson, Tennessee50All 50 states in three years.

Wilbur AikenPlymouth, MN5050 by age 75

Nathan AkerGreencastle, IN47

Md Rajibul Al Mamun*Austin, TX50Originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hassan Al-Mannai*Chicago, Illinois48CDrove through all 48 continental states in three seperate trips

Lacey Al-MasriHouston, TX35

Ahmed Alamine*Indianapolis, IN50

Ahmed AlanaziGrand Prairie, Texas50

Deb AlbertMurphy, NC50

Salvador and family Alcantar50We are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have visited every one of Temples (79) in each state of which there is one built.

Milton AldalPenrose, CO5050 by age 50

Josh AldrichColumbia, MO50

Jose AlfaroGig Harbor, Washington50


Jun and Carmela AlfonsoIrvine, CA47All 50 States in 205 days. We've been to different states before, but we just wanted to 'reset the counter' and visit all 50 in one epic trip

Joanne Alford5050 by age 40


Andrew AllanSan Antonio, TX50

Kenneth AllenLas Vegas, NV50

Stephen AllenChesapeake, VA50

Cindy AllenColumbia, SC49

Jennier AllenSacramento, CA50

Joe AllenNovelty, OH49

Scott AllenChagrin Falls, OH50

William AllenChagrin Falls, OH50

Emily AllenChagrin Falls, OH50

Kate AllenChagrin Falls, OH50

Jessica AllenChagrin Falls, OH50

Tom AllensworthCharlottesville, VA50

Eric AllgaierOak Hill, VA5050 by age 50

Annette AllgoodAlexandria, VA50

Richard AllnattLutz, FL50

Francis and Alberta AlmerBethlehem, PA48

John Aloisio*Toronto, Canada35

Fernando Alonso*Olivos , Buenos Aires50First Member from Argentina

Devin AlstonReno, NV50

James AltSan Marcos, California50All 50 states before 16 years old!

Eric AlthoffAlexandria, VA50Drank in all 50 states (mostly craft beer and craft spirits).

Sashin AluwihareBrooklyn, NY50Visited all 50 states by age 30

Henry AlvarezLos Angeles, CA50

Catharine AmaraColumbia, MD50

Nelson Amaral*WHITBY, ON49

Mark AmaratungaChicago, IL5050 states by 30 years old

Martha AmblerNorfolk, VA50

Thomas AmbroseChagrin Falls, OH50spent a day or overnight in each state

Genevieve AmendolaLas Vegas, Nevada50

Holly Amerman35

Brian AmesRenton, WA5050 by age 30

Phillip Ammar29 Palms, CA50All 50 states, Washington, DC and 2 US territories.

Doug AmmonsMountlake Terrace, WA50

Angelo AmodioHonolulu, HI37

Braxton AmundsonPittsburgh, PA50went to a University in all 50 states, 50 by 25

Sofia Andersen Garreffa*Copenhagen, -Sjælland48

Robert AndersonCibolo, TX43

Diane AndersonLarchmont, NY50

Carol AndersonLos Angeles, CA35

Chris AndersonChicago, IL50

Todd AndersonArlington, TN5050 by age 50

Susan AndersonRapid City, SD50drove a car in all 50 states (except AK and HI)

Shane AndersonEverett, WA42

Ted and Delores AndersonVancouver, WA50toured all capitol buildings

Mark AndersonWINTER HAVEN, FL48

Sarah Anderson50

Elaine Anderson50

Anna Anderson48

John AndersonPalmerton, PA50

Leonard AndersonMeridian, ID506 month trip to all 50 state capitols in electric vehicle

Evan AndersonLas Vegas, NV50All 50 by age 35

Norma AndersonPipe Creek, TX50

Kathy AndersonRIPON, CA50

Skylar AndersonOlympia, Washington50All 50 by age 24

Jeff AndersonThe Villages, Florida50All 50 States Visited in 2023, while working full time in Florida.

Thomas AndersonFargo, North Dakota49

Bryhan Andrade RojasDanbury, CT50My 7 year Spiritual walk. (2016-2023)

Mike AndreottolaHaverhill, MA50working on Run a half marathon, stay at least 2 nights, and have 2 bud lights in all 50 states

Carol AndrewsSpringfield, IL50

Jay Anger50Hiking, running, or have stepped on the ground in all 50 states.

Linda Ankers50

Rob & Donna AnsonFort Myers, FL50Saw all Presidential Libraries

Jared AntonHollywood, FL49

Nicole AntonicLas Vegas, NV46

Ed and Adele AntoszNorthampton, MA5051 by age 75


Thisis ApersonBrentwood, TN46None

Maria AponeFairview, NJ44

Conor ApplegateNew York, New York48All 50 by age 25

Ali Arab*Washington, DC50First Member from Iran

Harry Aragon FamilyPueblo, CO35

Justin ArcherKingsport, TN50

Deborah ArcherNorfolk, VA50

Bob ArchibaldBroken Arrow, OK5050 by age 44

Melynda ArgersingerAmsterdam, NY50Did final state with both daughters,son in laws, and five grandchildren.

Robert ArmourJensen Beach, FL50PAMC APE, Transplant Survivor, 1204 Days Sober on August 1, 2024, When I Crossed Into Maine and Completed All Fifty States!

David ArmyPrescott, AZ5050 by age 75

Garry ArndtHuber Heights, OH50

Megan ArndtBelgrade, MT39

Dinah ArnoldArkadelphia, AR42

Christopher AronDemver, Colorado50

Annmarie AronoffMarina del Ray, CA50

Scott ArsenaultAlpine, CA49

L.D. ArtSouth Dartmouth, MA35

John AsephEl Cajon, CA43

Hannah AsheNew York, NY50All 50 by age 30


Wesley and DeAnn Ashley50

Tom and Michelle AshmoreLaCresent, MN5050 state capitols

Amy AshtonMundelein, IL46

Stella AslibekyanBirmingham, AL43


Joakim Asplund*LINKÖPING, Sweden50

Jerry AssettoRidge, New York50All 50 by 50th Wedding Anniversary year

Kevin AtkinsonRidgewood, PA35

Leon AtterberryCLEVELAND, OH50All 50 at age 50

Tracy AtwoodCharlston, SC50

Scott AuffhammerEasley, SC50All 50 at age 50 in 2020.

Tamaney Augustin48C

Tim AultGilbert, AZ5050 countries and 50 states

Semming AustinOslo, Norway50

Beth AustinAustin, TX50

Amy AustinUnion, SC504 Girls - 50 States - 6 Years

Aki Autio*50

Jimmy and Marie AverettKnoxville, TN50

Leo AvidonFair Lawn, New Jersey49I'm trying to get to all 50 by 18!

Scott AvidonFair Lawn, New Jersey39I'm trying to get to all 50 states by 60!

Florin AvramChicago, IL41

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Elizabeth BOmaha, NE50All 50 by age 50

David BachandNational Harbor, MD50All 50 by age 60

Jo Ann BachandNational Harbor, Maryland50All 50 by age 60

Andy BachmanMorrow, Ohio49All 50 before 51 years old


Faith BaggettAlexandria, Virginia46

Omri BaharBrooklyn, NY50Only 22 years old, travel alone in only 2 years.

Enoch BaileyClaudville, Va50

Cathy BakerChattanooga, TN50

Susan BalesMargate, FL41

Benjamin BallardCitrus Heights, Ca47All 50 by age 33

Cameron BanaszakMilwaukee, WI37

Ann BandyPonca City, Ok50

Rajdeep (Raj) BanerjeeNashville, TN50

Susan BankChevy Chase, Maryland50

Abbas & Hannah BankoleIndianapolis, IN50All 50 by year 5

John BannisterConcord, NC50Photography Book - America Through My Eyes

Ernie BarberRenton, Washington50Crossed the Arctic Circle

Barbara BarbieriBluffton, IN50All 50

Justin BarkerIndianapolis, IN48CAll 48 Continental States by Age 30

Cody BarnesOceanside, California50Smoked weed in all 50 states lol

Lucas BarnesFate, Texas50

Bryan BarrerasNew York, NY46

John BarrettMontclair, NJ5050 by 62

Erik BarryForest Park, IL50

Deborah Bartlett CantorNaples, Florida50Visited all 50 Capitol Buildings

Brandon BartonChicago, IL50All 50 by Age 50

Linh BatesWest Des Moines, Iowa50All 50 States by age 30

Vendula "Wendy" Batkova*5050 by age 30

PETER BATTISTAAPT 207, ILLINOIS50Visited over 20 National Parks

Beth & Bill BauerGettysbutg, Pennsylvania50N/A

Jodi BaumgartnerMount Morris, IL50

John BaxterPalmdale, California50

Christine BayerWoodbury, MN50All 50 by age 50

Anissa BeasingerJunction City, KS49

Carrie BeaverMinneapolis, MN50

Sloan BeckerCovington, LA50

Jeff BeckhamWhitesburg, Georgia50

Kara BecksteadCenterville, Utah50P

ALEXANDRA BEESTINGCharlotte, NC49All 50 by age 30

Albert Belcher SrAmityville, NY5050 by 60

Alan BellLos Angeles, CA50

James BellBIRMINGHAM, Alabama50All 50 By Age 30

Karen BellRaleigh, NC49All 50 by age 50

James BellengerSt. Louis, MO50

MICHAEL BELLISSIMOWest Tisbury, MA50Visited all 50 by car AND visited all 50 capitols!

Amanda BellowsNew York, NY50

Jay Beltrame*Newport Beach, CA50

Amber BeninatiWest Springfield, MA50

Heather BennettRialto, CA50All 50 by age 49, majority by RV with 3 cats

Craig BennettUpper Marlboro, MD50

Pamela BennettsHenderson, NV50

Nadin BensonFresno, CA49

Lee BeresfordWalton on Thames, Surrey50

Deb BeresfordMyrtle Beach, South Carolina48C

Janet BergeronWaconia, MN50All 50 by age 60

Robert BeseckerTINLEY PARK, IL50Staying Strong with all 50 by age 50...

Eric BetancourtMiami, Florida50All 50 before age 30

Kevin W BialasBloomingdale, IL50

Lisa BialasBloomingdale, IL50

Tony BieserSouth Salt Lake, UT50All 50 before age 30

Lynne BiggarNew York, NY50Adventurer, Covid Clap Ring Finder, Back from Dickinson Alive

Piers Bijvoet*Oakville, ON42

Laura BilbreyNashville, Tn50Visited my 50th in my 50th

Libor Bilik*Mikulov, Czech Republic50First member from the Czech Republic

Barry BirchTreasure Island, FL4950th State North Dakota - Together June 2021!

Gary BirchfieldMadison, AL50I have visited all 50 States, DC, 4 or 5 US occupied Territories and 4 of 7 US unoccupied Territories

Spencer BishinsTacoma, WA50

Patty BishopLake Forest, CA5050 Before 50, ran half marthon in all 50 and 7 continents

Allen BissellFairview, Tennessee50

David Bissessar47All 50 by age 51

Janell BittonMission Viejo, CA50All 50 Before Empty Nesting

Monica Bjerkelund*50

Mike BlackburnItasca, IL50

Erie BlandGlen Burnie, MD50N/A

Andrew Blazhukevich*Brooklyn, New York5050 states in 7 years!

Dov BleichPearl River, New York50Our family together has done as follows: Visited every state capital building and took a family photo at each and everyone. Visited atleast one synagogue in every state.

Jason BlevinsWilmington, DE50All 50 by age 50

Barbara BlivenBaldwinsville, New York50

Gene BlobaumOverland Park, KS50P

Valerie BloodworthEatontown, NJ50

Staci BluntCongress, AZ50All 50 by age 50

Tracy BoakNew York, NY40

Vincent BobinPenfield, NY50Slept at least one night, and bought a Christmas Ornament.

Catherine BoggsSanta Barbara, CA50

Rosemarie Bohol*Yuba City, California5050 States in 5 Months

Michelle BolandChicago, IL50All 50 by age 36

Daniel Boldingmidwest city, Oklahoma50lifelong adventure

Robert BolenPORTER, TX50all 50 states by age 60

Michelle BolinKings Mountain, NC50P50 before 50

James BolinKings Mountain, NC50P

Jennifer BoltonGranby, CT49

Karen BommeljeWOODSTOCK, GA50

Liam and Annelyse BondChesapeake, Va.50All 50 by age 5 (Liam), All 50 at age 6 (Annelyse)

Jerry BonetDarien, IL50

Cory BooherMacomb, IL50

Jessica BorawskiLiverpool, Ny41All 50 by age 40!

Digamber BorgaonkarWilmington, DE50Visited all 50 states

Debbie BorgmanPerkinston, MS48

Jeslyn BoscaROSEVILLE, MI50All 50 States before age 46

Ann BosticColumbus, OH40

Susan BouetJamul, California50

Christiane Bourloyannis-Vrailas*50Visited all 50 Capitols and all 50 States twice

Martin Bousek*Rakovnik, CZ50Visited all 50 major cities

Paul BovarnickOakton, VA37

Rita BoveriLees Summit, MO49

Kjell Gunnar Børresen*50All 50 by age 25

Frederick BradburyDenton, Maryland50Visited all 50 by age of 22

Jerry BrandOverland Park, Kansas48C

Susie BrattonBenson, NC5050 by 50

Rob BrazierAtlanta, Georgia50

Stephan BrechtmannWoodinville, WA50

Robert and Debbie Breedlove, M.D.Stillwater, OK50All 50 before Medicare!

Mary Ann BrennanLos Angeles, Ca50All 50 by age 50 in less than 200 days

Nellie Brennan HallNorth Easton, MA50All 50 states by age 41

Fred and Joanna Dill Brennen House and Carter HouseHagerstown, IN50Brennen and Carter reached their 50th state the summer after (Brennen) and the summer before (Carter) their senior years of high school.

Ian BrewerSeattle, WA5050 Before 30

Paulette BrewerSarasota, Florida50

Scott BriggsDunwoody, GA5050 by 60

Alan BrillStaten Island, NY50

Rebecca BrinkmanTempe, Arizona50

Richard BrockwayWest Palm Beach, FL50

Sheila BrooksWilsonville, Alabama49

René Brors*Koeln, NRW50All 50 by age 50

Marshall BrownLewes, De50

Nicholas BrownIslip Terrace, NY50All 50 and 28 countries by 25

Gillian BrownAustin, TX50All 50 before age 50

Stuart and Whitney Brown*Reading, Berkshire50

Steve BrownSpringfield, VA50All 50 State Houses/Capitols

Lisa BrownSherman, TX50Ran a half marathon in 49 states - just one more left!

Crystal BrownCincinnati, Ohio50P50 states in 50 years

Dana BrownAdairsville, GA5049 by vehicle 1 by plane

Dawn BrownJacksonville, FL50PBorn in #50 Hawaii and Visited All 50 by age 59

Chuck BrownOdenton, MD50

Lynette BrowningCorpus Christi, TX50

Becky BrozovichLIBERTY, MO5050 states by age 65

Joseph BrunoFort Myers, FL50PVisited all 50 United States by age 70

Theresa BrunoneElkins Park, PA50All 50 by 60

Jeff BrunsonRichardson, TX50

Brittany BrunsonRichardson, TX50

Simon BrunstetterPainesville, OH50Slept in all 50 States

Bill BryceChantilly, VA50All 50 by/before Age 50

Mariusz BrykCopiague, New York50

Joseph and Janice BubnickBroadview Heights, OH50

Kelsey BuchananTucson, Arizona5050 Stater by 38

Melvin BuckSnellville, Georgia50

Laura BuckFramingham, MA50She learned, she saw, she experienced, she appreciated!

Monika BuczkoWarminster, PA50Visited national or state parks

Robert BuczkoWarminster, Pa50Visited national and state parks

Andrew BuczkoWarminster, Pa50Visited national and state parks

Allison BuczkoWarminster, Pa50Visited national and state parks

Steve BudnackParker, CO50

Matthew BuebyFenton, MI50

David BuebyFenton, MI50

Jonathan BuggLascassas, Tennessee43

Sandy BuhmanRochester, Minnesota50

Susan bunce*Oakwood derby, Derby38

Ian BunceDerby, Derbyshire40All 50 states.....eventually!

Sonya BurkettPalm Springs, CA50

Michael BurkholderMyerstown, Pennsylvania50

George BurlageYonkers, NY50

Ruth BurlewOcala, Florida50Visited all 50 states by age 65

Elisha BurnsPortland, OR50

Earl BursonLAS VEGAS, NV50Zion and Zolin Burson completed all 50 states before the age of 17

Susan BurtUniversity Place, Washington47

Douglas BuschmanPonce Inlet, Fl.50

Thomas Busciglio-Ritter*Milwaukee, Wisconsin48C

Kimberly BushFortson, GA50All 50 by age 50

Chelsea BusseyMetairie, LA50I visited all 50 before I turned 35!!

Joe BustadGrimes, IA48All 50 by the end of my 50th!

Timothy ButcherCharleston, WV50

laurie butzSuamico, Wisconsin35

Alison Byers*Northamptonshire, England5050 States in 50 Weeks

Darin J. ByrneWinchester, VA50All 50 by age 50


* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Michael CabreraManvel, TX50

Kristie CadientePikeville, NC50

Matthew CairnsWarwick, RI50

Lauren CalderaroPearland, Texas48Visited all 50 Capitols

Breezy CaldwellAurora, CO50All 50 by age 50!

Autumn CaldwellAurora, CO50Completed before being a teenager.

Michael CaldwellAurora, CO50All 50 by 50, All 50 Capitals, PR, USVI, and DC

Declyn CaldwellAurora, CO50All 50 before 10!

Mario CaleroChicago, IL41

Toni CallahanSan Marino, CA5050 States (+ DC) in 50 (+1) Years

Terri CallawayTulsa, OK50All 50 in 16 years together.

Joseph CamardoVineland, NJ50

Bruce CameronArlington, VA50PAll 50 completed together with my wife Maria

Maria CameronArlington, VA50PI get to do it with my best friend and spouse of 30+ years!

Maria CampanoSchenectady, NY50

Bill CampbellRuston, Louisiana50

Jason CampbellDartmouth, MA50

Mengyang Cao*Fremont, CA50

Aaron CappsLong Beach, California50All 50 before age 50.

Shannon CardwellClinton, Tennessee50All 50 between July 2015 and July 2019

Paul and Alyson Carey*Swindon, Wiltshire50We have driven to and through every state, and with the purpose of playing golf in each one.

David Carlstedt*Stockholm, Stockholm50

Janet CarmickleOlivehurst, CA50Visited all 50 Capitols

Cathy CarnesHedgesville, WV50

Gerald CarrierBeachwood, OH50Visited all 50 states including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Sandra CarrilloPico Rivera, Ca4350/50

Phil CartaAnthony, FL50Finally!

Dan CarterCovington, KY50road trains in all 50

Ramona CarterJackson Heights, NY50First romanian couple to visit all 50

Bryce CasterNew York, NY50

Roy CatronMuskego, WI50

Patricia CavanaghYaphank, NY50

Charles CerinoWillow Grove, Pennsylvania50I have seen all the Great Lakes

Darcy CervelliPinckney, MI50

Norman ChamberlainWarren, PA50All 50 by age 65

Edward ChamberlainNew Cumberland, WV50

Kyle ChamplainLake Havasu City, Arizona45All 50 by age 22.

Donna Chance HallShreveport, LA50

Stephen ChangScottsdale, AZ50

Julie ChapmanMount Pleasant, SC50

Marilyn CharlestonVirginia Beach, Virginia49All 50 by age 69

Karan Chauhan*PLANO, TX42I intend to travel all 50...I am done with 43

Karan Chauhan*Torrance, California48C48 contingent states by the age of 29

Jorge ChávezChicago, IL50All 50 states by the age of 30.

Heather ChenEllicott City, MD50

Justin ChenEllicott City, MD5050 states by age 17, collected postcards from each state

Jon and Nancy ChernakPenfield, NY50

Ann CherryMaryville, TN50Visited All 50 States

Bob ChervenyTroy, Texas505 CA Provinces, 4 MX States, 6 Caribbean Ports

Megan ChesserHouston, TX50All 50 by age 25

Linda ChiAspen, CO35LN/a

Katy & Matthew ChiarelloPhoenix, AZ50All 50 by 30

Stephen ChildersElkton, KY50All 50 by age 50

Ellen ChildsRockville, MD50

Chris Chilton*Derby, England50

Zahid ChohanOlean, New York46

Sora ChoiIrving, TX38

Stephanie ChongLa Crescenta, California50

Philip ChristianMiramar Beach, FL50

Pamela ChristianaMount Marion, NY50

Jessica ChristiansenBAYVILLE, NJ50PAll 50 By Age 30

LESLEY CHRISTOPHERChico, CA50All 50 by Age 50

Jerry ChristyTobyhanna, PA50All 50 states, Puerto Rico & the Trust Territories of the Pacific

Tsvetelina Churalska*Peshtera, Pazardzhik41Goal is to be first Bulgarian to have visited all 50

Nate ChurchHouston, TX50All 50 before age 30

Karcyn ClaiborneKnoxville, TN50All 50 by 5

Paul Crispin Clark50

Alisa ClarkBronx, NY35

Jeanine ClaypoolSheboygan, WI50

Ronald ClevelandPhoenix, AZ50Visited All 50 States by Age 40.

Kristin ClicknerKaufman, TX50

Lee Ann ClontsCibolo, TX50

Jill CloydSugar Land, TX50

Christopher CoadNew York, NY50Traveled the world with ORBIS.

Marsha CohenMadison, WI50

Lauren CoinerWalnut Creek, CA50Know where you're from.

Donna ColandreoBow, NH50

Nicholas ColatrellaRice, MN50

Jeff ColeConway, SC35

Michael CollierTacoma, WA50Spent the night in every state

Betty CongarPhiladelphia, PA50All 50 by age 70

Arthur ConnellySedro Woolley, WA50

Kiera ConroyMorrisonville, New York50

Nancy CookDeerbrook, WI50

Jennifer CookRinggold, GA50All 50 by age 50

C.R. CookPlano, TX50

David CookSturgis, SD50

Russell CookDeerbrook, Wisconsin50Both my wife and I have visited all 50 States

Alice Cooper*Mesa, Arizona50We’ve been everywhere in the United States with a place name mentioned in a song title.

Dara CooperLake Mary, FL5050 States by 40

Anna Maria CorbySchnecksville, Pennsylvania50

Mary Lou CorderFairfield, Ohio50

Sara CornwellMemphis, Tennessee50no

John CosenzaRidley Park, PA50

Vickie CostopoulosAtlanta, Georgia50PAll 50 by age 50 (less 2 years for COVID)

Katherine CotterAustin, TX50All 50 by age 15

selket nicole cottleWASHINGTON, DC50

Judy CoulsonLaguna Niguel, California50

Marilyn CourtneyBowie, MD49

Scott CoverdaleSunapee, NH50

Luke CovertAnn Arbor, Michigan48All 50 by age 11

Susan CowanOverland Park, KS42

Peter Cowley*Palmerston North, Manawatu5042 States 1998-2000, 6 States in 2013, Hawaii in 2014

Denise CoxHarrison Township, Michigan50All 50 stated by age 50

Chelsea CoxSpring, TX38

Jacob CoxDallas, TX50All 50 States By 25 Years Old

Nancy CoxYork, SC50PIncluded Puerto Rico and St Thomas

Jane CoxIndianapolis, IN50Visited at least one attraction in each state and collected souvenir pins from each state.

Sara CoxDeerfield Beach, FL50

Jeff CoxElgin, IL35

Brendan CravenAlexandria, VA48

Juantorena CrawfordSeattle, WA50All 50 by age 35

Robin CrawfordNew Windsor, MD50All 50 by age 60!

Ken CrearyWhite Plains, New York45

Donald CremersSan Francisco, CA50

Thomas CrimminsMADISON, New Jersey50

gary crissmanMustang, ok50Played golf in all 50

Diana Stefania Cristea*50First Member From Romania

Catherine CrockerCamas, WA50

Angela CrooksGlenwood Springs, CO50visited all 50 states before turning 50

Randy CrowDarnestown, MD50

David Crow*New York, NY50P

Marilyn CrowleyChicago, IL50All 50 by 40

Colette CrownLexington, KY50

Helen CrumpAnthony, KS50I have driven in 48 of the states. I drove most of the states alone, with my dogs.

Janet CummingsCastalia, OH50

James CummingsWarrington, PA50My last state Alaska was my 60th birthday presant

Ruth CumminsNebo, NC49

Linda CusackLake Villa, Illinois50None

Kyle CutsingerOoltewah, TN48

Thomas and Mary Ann CybulaCommack, NY50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Debby D'AngeloParsippany, NJ50All 50 states before age 40!

Michael DabneyChattanooga, TN35

Chloe DabrowskiSpringfield, Oh50PAll 50 by age 30

Gunnar DahlbergWaikoloa , HI5050 by age 50

Nathan & Mindy DaleboutRoy, UT50Took a selfie in front of each state capitol building

Richard DamianoMead, WA50Fast to 50 - 9 Days 19 Hours 31 Minutes

Alysia DaminWashington, DC50P50 states by 35 years old

Neil DaminWashington, DC5050 states in 35 years

Ram Damodaran*Prosper, Texas50

Brianna DanceDallas, TX50

Kenny & Cindy DancerWasilla, AK50We rode our Harley in all 50 states

Jody DanielMunford, AL50Visited all 50 states three times

Linda DanielCulpeper, VA50stayed at least one night in every state

Debbie DanielsBeavercreek, OH5050 States in 50 years of marriage!

Michael Danils*Borlänge, Sweden50

David DannemillerAnn Arbor, MI50All 50 by age 50

Taylor DarlingHempstead, NY50All 50 before 40

Linda DarlingtonSioux Falls, SD5050 states in 50 years!

Derek DarmstaedterAntioch, TN50All 50 in 14 months

jill darringtonSCOTTSDALE, Arizona50P

Edward DauerDenver, Colorado50Visited most of the 50 in a single-engine Piper Turbo-Arrow.

Davi FamilyRockville Centre, NY50

Brenda DavidCoweta, OK50Visited all 50 States in one year-2023

Robert DavidsonMidlothian, VA50

Melissa DavidsonChicago, Illinois50

Mark Davies*Kings Langley, Herts50

Jay DavisSt. George, Utah50Visited all 50 Capitols and Geocached in all 50 states

Brooks DavisGarland, TX5050 by age 5

Ava Rose DavisGarland, TX50All 50 by age 10

Amanda DavisDe Soto, MO48All 50 by 40 years old

Steven N DavisSand e, Oklahoma50

Kyle Davis50All 50 at age 50

Ross DavisDutton, VA50All 50 by age 70

Benjamin DavisColumbia, MD50

Bennie DayLafayette, IN50

Brian DayHurricane, UT50

Ron de Bos*50

Mike DebaucheGreenfield, WI50

Rebecca DeBooyBrea, CA50Visited all 50 States and their Capitols by our 50th Anniversary.

Peggy deGastyneKingsport, Tennessee50Visted ALL 50 in 24 months!

Steve/Marlene DeKoeyerHamilton, Michigan50Travelers, Workampers, Retired 2002-Present

Brian DelamerSplendora, TX50Going back to Hunt or Fish and land a plane in all 50 now

Blake DelaneyTampa, FL50All 50 by age 50

Anita DelariesWashington, DC50

Chris DelloiaconoClark, NJ50Visited all 50 states prior to my 50th birthday!

James DempseyParma, OH50Finished in Fargo

Russell DenneyKeene, NH50

Robin DennisMcLean, VA50PAll 50 by Age 50

Robert DevermannGlen Ellyn, IL50No

Pierson DeversCambridge, MA50

Deirdre DeVitoEgg Harbor Township, NJ50

Laura Di TomasoLos Angeles, CA50All 50 States in 83 Consecutive Days

Gregory DibbSunnyvale, CA50

Cloyce Dickersonsacramento, CA50

John DillardWilliamson, WV50

Kate Dilnott-Cooper*Devizes, Wiltshire41I have to sleep a night in every state

John DiltsCranford, NJ49Including Puerto Rico & Guam - US Territories

Mike DiMauroOrlando, FL38Trying to deliver UberEats in all 50 states! At 38 states plus DC.

John DimmickHarrisburg, PA50All 50 by age 30

Dawn DiniusInwood, WV48Visited all 50 states

Rob DobrusinAnn Arbor, MI50

Lauren DoepkeCincinnati, OH50All 50 by age 22

Edward DohertyPittsford, New York50

Andy DominickDallas, TX5050 by age 28

Michael DonaldsonFredericksburg, VA50All 50 by age 60

Nicholas DonaldsonFredericksburg, VA50Youngest African American - All 50 at 5 years and 1 month old - Prekindergarten

Scott DonaldsonAnna, TX50Ran in all 50 by age 50

Jim and Mary DonnellyRichardson , TX50

Pat DonohueRichmond, VA505 of 7 continents too!

Hugh DonovanBedford, NH50Visited all counties in 236 days in 2019 which included visiting all 50 states for the 2nd time from Jan 3 to June 30

Jennifer DorianBaltimore, MD50

Donald Max DorseyRedwood City, CA50

John Drake*Las Vegas, NV50All 50 States over 3 years

Krista DrokeIndependence, MO50All 50 by age 40

Melissa dubielsylvania, OH50

Julia dubielsylvania, OH50

Kimberly DuboisBristol, IN50All 50 states before age 30.

Tamela (Tammy) DudleyLawrenceville, GA50Visited all 50 states before age 60!

Steve DuersonChula Vista, CA50

Steven A. DuexWestminster, MD50

Cindy DuffekDavenport, FL50

Linda DugganDEERFIELD BEACH, FL49Saw 20 states on 1 cross country trip in 1999

Peter DulniawkaStafford, VA46

Raymond Duncan*Carlisle, Cumbia50It only took 29 years

John DuneskeNOVI, MI50

Roy DurrettRusk, Tx50Oregon #50 - 3/3/2022

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Glen EarlKennedale, TX50All 50 by age 35

Paige EasterdayTigard, OR50P50 states before age 50

Erinn EatonOlympia, WA50Almost all 50 states with my best friend

Declan EbelingSan Francisco, CA50All 50 by age 23

Brittany EddlemanPortland, TX50PNo

Lawson EdmondsLillian, Al50

Brian EdwardsOregon city, Oregon50All 50 by age 50

David EhrlichFarmington Hills, MI50

André Eilertsen*Askim, Ostfold50

Cajsa Eilertsen*50

Camilla Eilertsen*Askim, Østfold50

Diane EisgruberHighland, NY50

Gloria EllerLexington, SC50

Ross ElletToledo, OH50All 50 by age 35 (Ross & Sara), All 50 By age 13 (Bryce & Simon)

Jeff EllisCleveland, TN50

Celeste EllisTucson, AZ50P

Dain ElmanWadsworth, IL50All 50 by age 50

Dave ElmerWhitestown, IN50All 50 states as a couple.

Anthony ElmsPapillion, NE50

Brian ElswickSan Diego, CA5050 states before turning 50, total coincidence!

Troy EmertScottsdale, AZ50

Monita Eng-MiltonHinsdale, IL49All 50 by 50 and as a family

Paul EnosReno, NV46All 50 by age 50

Noel EpkeYuma, AZ50Drove to the USA's 49 with the same car, The Pony, my 2006 4.0 V6 Mustang

Andrew EpsteinLake Zurich, IL50All 50 by age 30!

Margaret B ErbesCedarburg, WI49

Clarice Ericksonmoorhead, mn50

Seth EriksenDelaware City, DE50

Alana EsquivelSan Francisco, CA35

Amanda EssenmacherAlbuquerque, NM44All 50 by age 50

Jesus EstrellaCypress, TX48

Sherrill EvansPalm Beach Gardens, Florida50

Kim EvansAnaheim, CA49

Nancy EvansLittle Elm, TX50And 10 international countries also


Tekisha Dwan EveretteFort Washington, MD50All 50 before 50

Shannon EwertOklahoma City, OK50All 50 by Kelli’s 30th birthday

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Beth FahsYork, PA50P

Joe FalowitzCoconut Grove, FL50

The Wood FamilyRoeland Park, Kansas50

Michael FanelleLouisville, Ky50P

Amy FarisAlexandria, VA50All 50 by 30

Amy Jo FarmerCicero, IN, IN50

Ron Farnidubuque, IA50

Stephanie Fearingst. paul, MN50All 50 within 10 years

Tiffany Fearingst. paul, MN50All 50 within 10 years

Alex FederbushLong Beach, New York50All 50 at the age of 23

Ansley FelixBarbourville, KY50

Alexander FelosOrlando, FL50

Bryan FergusonCypress, TX35

Vanessa FergusonBurton, MI50All 50 by age 41

Patricia FerranteKeyport, New Jersey50

Dana Ferretti*Russi, Ravenna35

Neil FerrierHouston, Texas50

Jillian FerrisChicago, IL50All 50 by age 30

Stephanie FinleyNaples, Florida50Driven into and around all 50 states

Kieran Finn*Menstrie, Clackmannanshire50

Ralph FiorentinoHolmdel, NJ50

Ira FischlerGainesville, FL49

Robert FisherQueen Creek, AZ49

Jackie FitzellaCharlotte, North Carolina50PAll 50 in my 20s

Gary FlanaganSevierville, TN504 time 50 stater, fast solo trip, Church and State trip, 43 day family trip, charity awareness

Richard FlemingPrince Frederick, MD50

Mary FlessertFort Atkinson, WI50

Amandee FluckigerLehi, Utah50All 50 before age 25

Ross FlynnWashington, PA50All 50 by age 30

Jason FoehrenbachMiller Place, NY5050 in 51...

Karl FolkensFlorence, SC50All 50 by Age 50

Gregory Fontes-Jules50

Marga FooteBishop, CA50

JIM FordWest Boylston, MA50had a conversation w/ a local in all 50, wrote book "My Take on All 50 States"

Joel FordBoerne, Tx35

Jason ForstColorado Springs, CO50

Richard ForsterPittsburgh, PA50all 50 by age 50

Wanda FosterStockbridge, GA50No thank you

Ann FosterRockeldge, FL50Plus District of Columbia

Oaklee FosterNew London, Iowa50Visited all 50 states by age 11

Dyane FountainAmherst, Wisconsin50None

Courtney Foust HodacsCumming, Georgia50

Mack FragaMystic, CT49Collected one coffee mug from every state

Taylor FrancisScottsdale, AZ50All 50 by 35

julia FrancisScottsdale, Arizona50

Spike FrangulesLudlow, Massachusetts50

Nadine FrangulesLudlow, Massachusetts50

David FrankeWinchester, VA50

Sonya FranklinSpringville, AL3550 States Before I Die!!

CYNTHIA FRANKLINFrisco, TX50Rode from Key West (southern point) to the Northernmost of the Contiguous (Angle Inlet) and Northernmost point of the U.S. (Prudhoe Bay)

Ron FranksRedwood City, California50

Joel and Diana FrederickLawrence, KS50We have smooched in all 50!

Thomas Fredriksen*Torvastad, Rogaland50A geocache in every state

Emily FrereEast Moline, Il49All 50 by age 10!

Erwin Frey*Steinbrunn, Bgld50From 1989 to 2023

Joe FritchNutley, NJ50Rode my 1989 Honda Goldwing in all of the lower 48. Rode a rental BMW in Alaska and a Honda and Kawasaki in Hawaii. Slept and dined in all 50.

Jennifer FryeGreen Bay, Wi50P

Emily FuentesAnaheim, CA50

Patrick FugemanNewark, DE50The goal was 50 by 50 and I made it. The next goal was 7 (continents) by 70 and I made that too.

Christina Furtadolas vegas, NV50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

William GabbardMarietta, GA50As a musician with The US Army Field Band, I performed the National Anthem in public concerts in all fifty states.

Joseph GaffneyLakeland, FL49Married for 54 years this coming May 22nd

Jodi GaleLiberty, MO4950th state on our 30th Anniversary

Donna GalesGREAT BEND, KS50We drove to 48 of the 50 States.

Ashokkumar GanesanAurora, CO50All 50 by age 55

Bob Gardiner*Great Habton, England50

Artyn GardnerNewport Beach, CA5050 years of marriage and 50 states

Mary Lynn GarrettLexington, Ky50All 50 by age 60

LaTonnia GarrettSouth Amboy, NJ50All 50 States

Richard Gaskins SrNew Haven, Connecticut50Visited 50th state (Hawaii) on my 50th birthday.

Gemma And Ed GataNorth Hollywood, CA50

Jim GayhartMaineville, Ohio50

Gayle Deadwyler Gayle Deadwyler Solon, OH50

Amy J GebkenFENTON, Mo5050 by 50

Melissa GerdesAlamo, CAIFORNIA50

Evelyn GermanakosNew City, NY50All 50 by Age 50

Monica Germiller MaherBeacon, New York50Drove solo across the country in celebration of her 65th birthday

James GerowPoolville, TX50All 50, by 50

Phill Gerritsen*50Alet and myself crossed and spent time in every state on a motorbike.

Cindy GersonyGreat Falls, VA47

Steve and Cathy GerstenschlagerHillsboro, Missouri50

Michael GerverKings Park, NY50Made it to all fifty states when I was 13 years old

Gary GetzDecatur, GA50All 50 by age 55

Shannon GetzSalem, VA50All 50 by age 50

Sergio GiannottaMims, FL50

Stacy GibsonUnion, SC504 Girls • 50 States • 6 Years

Carmen GibsonMyrtle Beach, SC50

Corazon Gilbert50Visited all 50 State Houses.

James and Susan GilbertsonLakeville, Minnesota50

George GillespieChesterbrook, PA50In 2024, I visited my 50th state (and DC), sleeping overnight at least one night in each.

Laura GillespieHoffman Estates, Il50

Susan GilmoreDelmar, NY49All 50 to celebrate 50 years of marriage

Lyndsey GilreathDaytona Beach, Florida50PAll 50 by Age 35

Kimberly GinsbergCaldwell, Nj50

Alexandra Giorgione50

Melissa & Nick GiovanniKenosha, WI5050 States in 5 Years

Jennifer GipeOrwigsburg, PA50

Jim GirardiEaston, CT49

Aaron GirsonIndianapolis, IN50All 50 by age 50

Sue GlassSchererville, IN50P

Keith GlatzerBrentwood, TN50All 50, by 44 years of age

Karalee GlauserRock Hill, South Carolina50

Chris GlennSanford, FL50All 50 before age 50. Visited 3 Continents

Glenna Glenn50Thanks to my parents taking my brother and I traveling every summer.

Chris GoeckelDuluth, GA50

Ashley GoehringConneaut, Ohio48CAll 50 under 30

Jeff and Cindy GoeschGERMANTOWN, WI36

Phoenix GoldbergArlington, VA50All 50 by age 22

Joseph GoldenNaugatuck, Connecticut5050 by Age 50; Overnight in All.

Lilana GoldenOmaha, NE50

Rudolph GonzalezBronx, New York50All 50 states visited

Helen GonzalezDebary, FL38

Nemanja GopicSan Diego, CA50All 50 by age 32

Lewis Gorman IIISan Antonio, TX50Travel Goal Getter Troika - 50 states, 100 countries, 7 continents

David Gossomhouston, TX50It only took 68 years to do it!

Christine GouldWindsor Mill, MD41

Mark GouldBradenton, FL50Saw the Aurora Borealis in Anchorage

Kimberly GouldBradenton, FL50Saw the Aurora Borealis in Anchorage

Edward GowensSAN DIEGO, CA50All 50 at age 50

Margaret GradyConway, SC50

James Gradyst. Louis, MO50All 50 by age 50

Andrea GradyLehigh Acres, FL49All 50 States by age 60.

Teresa GraetzJackson, MI50

Lillie GrantMountain View, Ca50

Kathleen GrassoStewartsville, NJ50

James GrausamCarteret, New Jersey50All 50 by age 50

ROBERT GRAVESHANOVER, MD50Plan to visit all National and State parks.

Sherry GrayIndianapolis, IN50Visited all 50 capitals

Kimberly GreenFort Smith, AR50All 50 with Madison and Bryce

Rochelle GreenDetroit, Michigan47All 50 before turning 50

Robert GreenDenver , CO50

Mike GreenCataula, GA50Visited all 50 states and D.C. twice (2006/2023)/ Slept in all 50 states (2024)/Played a sanctioned disc golf tournament in all 50 states and D.C. (2024)

JOSETTE GREENSt. Petersburg, FL50National Park Collector with only 12 more to visit and I will have visited all

Joshua GreenCambridge, MA50PPlus Puerto Rico, USVI, DC, American Samoa

walter green, jr.plympton, MA50completed in my 87th year of age

Wayne GreeneColchester, CT50

Lisa GreeneCONWAY, Arkansas50P

Frankie GreerJonesville, SC50Visited all 50 States

Nick GregorNew York, NY35

John GresslyColorado Springs, CO50All 50 by 26

Sue GrienerPittsburgh, PA49

Cindy GriffithLaguna Niguel, CA50All 50 States by Age 40

Kate GriggsBloomington, Indiana49Living Kidney Donor and Guinness World Record holder for attending/organizing the largest gathering of living donors at “The Bean” in Chicago April 21st, 2018.

Karin GroeningSt Paul, Minnesota50

Helmut Groesser*50

Peter GroffWoodbridge, VA50All 50 by Age 50

Regina GroffWoodbridge, VA50all 50 by age 50

Rachel GrohPurchase, NY50All by Age 30!

Audrey GrovesLa Crosse, Wisconsin50

Julianna GrovesLa Crosse, WI5050 states before high school graduation

Abigail GroyHalifax, PA49All 50 before graduating high school

Judann GrumboskiFort Mill, Sc50All 50 states by age 58

James GuenthoerCoraoppolis, PA50

Stuart Guest*Edmonton, Alberta50

Ryan GuggisbergMankato, MN50

Janet GumGreenville, IL50

Sherry Gurley LothridgeDenton, TX50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Dan HaberreiterHuntingtown, MD50

Steve HaddadinColumbus, OH50All 50 by age 26, Visited every Presidential Library

Richard HagerNavarre, FL50

Kevin HahnDublinn, CA50Been to all 50!states plus 3 US territories

Thomas HairCHARLOTTE, North Carolina46Aiming for all 50 at Age 30

Pam HaleAnaheim, CA50All 50 states visited by age 65!

Barbara HaleyDeerfield Beach, Florida5050 States By 20th Wedding Anniversary

Warren HallMidlothian, VA50

Brad HallBellingham, WA50All 50 by Age 50

Wendy HallLongview, WA50

Jennifer HallDecatur, GA48C

Christine HallSt Helena, CA50

Stephen HallOwasso, OK49Have lived in all 6 USA time zones

Rhonda HallOwasso, OK50Travelled by Auto, train, plane and ship

Benjamin HalladayCedarville, OH50

Robert HalpinNorth Myrtle Beach, SC50

Kathi HalvorsonPelican Rapids, MN47

Dr. Neal HambrightFredericksburg, VA50Dr., All 50 U.S States by age 45

Sharon HamiltonChampaign, IL50

Art and Ellie HamlenOxford, NJ50

Jim & Rose HammersmithAliso Viejo, CA50

Susan Hancockbaltimore, MD50

Cristen HandleyWashington, DC50Special recognition to travel pawtner, Kennedy

Russell HaneyAustin, Texas5050 by 40

Teresa HanulaFairfax, Va48CLeonard took photos at all state welcome signs and finished the 48 states at the age of 2.5. (859 days to visit all 48 continental states)

Bill HardenAbilene, Texas50

Catherine Hardesty44

Katherine HardwickJacksonville, FL50All 50 by age 40.

Sherry HargroveMission Viejo, CA5049 states in 365 days

Michael HarrellMacon, Ga36I have visited 75 U. S. lighthouses.

Haywood HarrellCorinth, MS50Visited a national park unit in each state, also PR, Guam, VI, and Am Samoa.

Jeff HarrelsonTexarkana, AR50All 50 by age 50

Zane HarringtonThe Colony, TX50All 50 by age 30

Amy HarringtonThe Colony, TX50All 50 by age 30

Rebecca HarringtonMinden, LA5050 States before High School Graduation

Rachel HarringtonMinden, LA50All 50 by age 50

Michael Heath HarringtonMinden, LA50All 50 by age 50

Carl KSolo DaRyder HarrisRaleigh, NC50Rode all 50 States on a motorcycle in one year.

Lisa HarrisChapin, SC50All 50 by age 48!

Steven HarrisHaddonfield, NJ50All 50 before age 50!

Bryan HarrisMuskogee, Oklahoma41

Oli Harris*Brooklyn, NY50

Andrew Harris*Collingwood, Victoria46

Randall HarrisonLa Grange Park, IL50

John HartgeFairplay, MD50Overnighted in all 50. Drove car in all 50.

Michael HartleyMahwah, NJ50All 50 States and DC at age 30

Austin HartmanBeaufort, SC50

Jean HartmannHowell, NJ46

Lindsey HaskinsPowell Butte, OR50P

Kayla HaskinsKingston, Ma48All 50 before age 30 & All 50 before Kindergarten

Morgan HassenmayerNew Haven, CT50

Carol HawkinsRichmond, VA50

James HawkinsMcDonough, Georgia50All 50 by age 50

Doug HaydenGladstone, MO50

VErnon HayesSeattle, WA50

Scott HaynesWilson, NC50Last 5 States (NE, IA, ID, MT, ND) Were a 3467 Mile Drive

Dan HazardHuntington Beach, California50

Dawson HeathNew York, NY50

Rebecca HeathDallas, Texas50All 50 by age 50

Maureen HeatherlyLisle, Illinois50

Alan & Melanie HébertFairview, TX50Visited All 50 States Together

Paul HeerArlington, Virginia50

Johannes Heinemann*Johnson City, Tennessee50PAll 50 in 100 days

Daniel HelleksonMilwaukie, Oregon50All 50 at age 16

Maitee Helmsfarmersville, TX50

Jennifer HeltAustin, TX50All 50 by age 30

Stephen HenadyJefferson City, MO50Visited all 50 Capitols

Dana HendricksCottage Grove, WI50

Paige HendricksCottage Grove, WI50PAll 50 by 15

Chase HendricksCottage Grove, WI50PAll 50 before age 18

Dawson HendricksCottage Grove, WI50PAll 50 before 8th grade

Brigid HendricksonSan Clemente, CA50

Michele HenryWaco, TX50All 50 by age 50

Douglas HenryWaco, TX5050 by 50

Cami HeplerHickory, NC50All 50 by age 50

Josh HermanClifton, NJ49On their 10th anniversary as a band, they have performed shows in all 50 states

Andrew HerzmanFarmingdale, NY50Ate a meal in all 50

Shannon HeslerDenham Springs, LA46All 50 by age 50

Delores HetrickDysart, PA50

Daniel HewittMount Holly, NJ50All 50 by age 47

David HickeySan Diego, California50visited all the major league ballparks

Tim HicksWhitehall, Mi50

Thomas HicksHendersonville, TN50Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands

Randal HicksFredonia, KS5050 by 60

Linda C HigginsHouston, TX50

Lula HilenskiAvondale Estates, GA50

Abbey HillRolling Meadows, IL50

Aaron HillNorth Ridgeville, Ohio50

Daniel HillSanford, NC5050 Before 50

Johnna HillFlower Mound, TX50PVisited all 5 Great Lakes

Mark HillWichita, KS50

Sarah HillyardSouth Jordan, Utah50

Justin HinermanPasadena, MARYLAND49

James HinesonCliffwood Beach, NJ50All 50 by age 40

chingkit hobrooklyn, New York50All 50 with a 3 generations family, 100 countries, 6 continents and 50 states at age 34, traveled all 50 states twice

Elvis Loki Hobrooklyn, NY50Youngest boy traveled all 50 states ~ 4 months old

Vincent HodgeMartinsburg, WV50All 50 at Age 50

Liza HodskinsArlington, VA37

Tazaina HoesayCambria Heights, NY50All 50 by age 50

Adrian Hogan*Limerick, Limerick50Achieved All States In My 70s

Cody HollandCharlotte, Tennessee50All 50 States before turning 30

Micah HollandWatertown, WI50All 50 by age 40

Charles HollenbeckEndicott, NY50Perhaps also visiting Washington, D.C.? And Puerto Rico.

Keith HolmanYakima, WA50Includes Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico

Don HolmanSimpsonville, SC50

Tomica HolmesAtlanta, GA48C#50statesby50

Kathy HolmesCedar Rapids, IA36

Emily HoltLeesburg, Va50

Laurence HolyoakBerlin, MA42

Shelby Roy & Deb HopkinsStanford, Kentucky50

David HoranRichardson, TX47All 50 by Age 48

Ruth HornLexington, KY50ALL 50 by age 50

Kattie HornLutz, FL35

Charles Mitchell HornbeakSan Antonio, TX50

Sarah HorvitzWashington, DC50All 50 states before she turns 30 years old

Julie HostetterMilton, GA49All 50 by Age 50

Fred HothMiddlesex, NJ50

Richard HoughDingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania50All 50 by age 32 + Puerto Rico

John HoughtonModesto, CA50

Lester HouseAthens, GA50

Charles HouseLexington, SC50


Robby HoweWichita, KS50

Kelly & Cindy HowellIdaho Falls, ID50

Ashlyn HowellBrighton, MI50Ashlyn hit all 50 by 10 years old! Jackson at 16. Hal and Shawn hit 50 by 50.

Esben Høstager*50

Jette Høstager*50

Dzmitry Hryharovich*Astoria, NY5050 states in 5 years

John HuJericho, NY50Jessica, a Severely Disabled Child with Rett Syndrome, Visited all 50 States

Shi (Christina) Hua*New York, NY5050 by 35

Kelly HudsonSheffield Village, OH50All 50 before 40!

Harley HudsonChickasaw, Alabama50

Toast & French HudsonChickasaw, AL48CPAWS on ALL CONTIGUOUS States

Mark HudsonChickasaw, AL50All 50 in less than 2 years

Erika HuertaWestminster, Ca50

John HughesNorfolk, Virginia50

Shane HughleyWest Bloomington, MN50All 50 by age 50

Christopher HulseEast Berlin, PA50(Tried to get to Alaska since I was 12... we finally did it, Pop Pop!)

Melissa HumbertOxon Hill, MD50All 50 by age 37!

Peter Hummels*Utrecht, Netherlands50

Darin HuntSan Diego, CA5050 by 50 (50 States by 50 Years)

Harland HuntBlue Springs, MO50

Sarah HuntHuddleston, VA50

Jeffrey HunterColumbus, OH50

JJ HunterFort Collins, CO49Take my picture at all 50 State signs

Jamea HunterConverse, Texas50

Nancy HunterPetersburg, MI50


* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Rob IaculloRoselle, IL35

Scott IannuzzoEast Brunswick, NJ50I have driven in all 50 states.

Vicki IberFairmont, WV49

Kathleen IgnatoskiAnn Arbor, MI502x rim to rim of Grand Canyon


Anton InderbitzenFront Royal, VA50

Monique IngallsWaco, Texas5050 states by age 40; at least 1 souvenir pin from every state visited

Tabatha IngramChattanooga, Tennessee50All 50 before age 30!

SeaMonkey InkHouston, TX50All 50 before 50. Woman of Color who photographed wildlife in all 50 States. Visited a National Park, Monument and/or Wildlife Refuge in all 50 states.

Jeffrey IrelandIndian Rocks Beach, FL50also visited all 30 Major League baseball stadiums

Scott IrgangPleasantville, NY50All 50 by age 50. Completed at Mount Rushmore, SD.

Justin IrishCosta Mesa, CA5050 before the end of 30.

Suzanne IshiiCliffside Park, NJ5050 by age 50

Wilfred IsidoroElmhurst, NY50

Tina IsingNew Albany, Indiana50

Robert IsingNew Albany, Indiana50

Michael IstreBunkie, LA48

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Elaine JacksonWilmington, De50

Wendy JacksonWarren, Pennsylvania50

Latoyi JacksonClinton, WA42Completed a bucket list

Daomei Hannah Jackson*Rio Rancho, NM50All states, Puerto Rico and all three Virgin Islands since 2016

Randy JacksonRockford, Illinois, IL50

June JacksonSpokane, WA50N/A

Martha JacobUniversity Place, WA50


Scott JakubowskiLos Angeles, CA50


Michael JamesGranbury, TX50PSaved the biggest for last... Alaska!

Juras JankovskyEwing, NJ50


Daniel JarstferRichmond, RI50All 50 at 60!

Kim JauchCleveland, OH50All 50 States before Age 40

Amy JenkinsChicago, Il50Spent at Least One Night in Every State

Richard JensenPortland, OR39We have inspired positive change all across the country

Salil Jha*Quincy, MA50First Non-US born Couple to Visit All 50 US States

DeeDee JohansenGainesville, GA50

Jeremiah JohnsenYonkers, NY50#50by40

Marty JohnsonNew York, NY5050 Years - 50 States

DERRICK JOHNSONRound Rock, TX50Visited all 50 states by age 40

Tonea JohnsonAvondale, Missouri4950 by 40


Laron JohnsonRigby, Idaho50All 50 by age 50!

Riley JohnsonSeatac, WA36

Olga JohnsonFort Worth, TX50Visited 50 Capitols & danced Waltz in 50 Capitals on my 50th year.

Darryl JohnsonRialto, CA50

Verlon JohnsonOlympia Fields, IL5050 by age 52…COVID delay for age 50

Patrice JohnsonGarner, NC50All 50 states COMPLETE before age 55


Brenda JohnsonOklahoma City, Oklahoma50

Sue JohnsonRockford, Illinois50

Carter JohnsonAlpharetta, GA35

Alan JohnsonSun City West, Arizona42

Dorothy JonesBaltimore, MD50

T. Michael JonesLittleton, Colorado50In loving memory of Jean M. Jones

Suzie JonesBorden, Indiana50In Memory of my dad, who gave me the gift of a love of travel.

Joseph JonesWindsor Heights, IA50

Melissa JonesLenoir, NC3550 on 50th birthday

Theresa Wayne JonesPahrump, NV50

Chadwick and Amanda Jones / Kenneth CollinsShawsville, Virginia5050 by 50 for our family , Chadwick & Amanda Jones 2nd trip to all 50 on 1 trip including Canada and ending in Washington DC as a fundraiser for the leukemia lymphoma society

Isaiah Jones Jr.Carrollton, Virginia50I’ve driven a car in all 50 states, and spent time in each state.

Jonathan JordanWinter Park, FL50

Sabine Jost-WachsmuthSanford, FL50Started in 2015 with Alaska, Lower 48 by RV, finished 2024 with Hawaii

Ellen JovinNew York, NY50Grammar Table National Tour! Ellen set up her grammar-advice stand in all fifty states and wrote a national bestseller, Rebel with a Clause, about her grammar adventures, and Brandt filmed the grammar action for a documentary film now in post-production.


Kathleen JubieMukilteo, Washington50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Alan KacalskiBuffalo, NY50Spent at least one night in all 50 states and went to every MLB stadium.

Claire KachelmyerApple Valley, MN50All 50 by age 15

Grace KachelmyerApple Valley, MN50All 50 by age 12

Steve KadelGlendale, AZ50All 50 states at least twice

Sen. Cheryl KaganRockville, MD50All 50 State Capitols... not just all 50 states!!

Anupama KALIDINDIOrlando, Florida50All 50 with family.

Meredith KamprathRuskin, Fl50

Dee KaraskevicusGulf Breeze, Florida49

Paul KaraskevicusGulf Breeze, Florida50

Tom Kardishdoylestown, pa50P

Timothy J. KaveneyFramingham, MA50

David KazanowskiAvondale Estates, GA50Thank You Dad for encouraging an adventurous life!

Kimberly KearneyWilliamsburg, Virginia50

Ed KeatingBelding, MI50

Bonnie KeatingDexter, MI50All 50 Before 18

Nathan KeenRidgeway, VA50

Lisa KellerLivingston, TX50All 50 by age 50

Rob KellerLivingston, TX50All 50 by Age 55

Erin KellyDenver, CO50All 50 by age 30

Brandon KellyFruit Heights, UT50Beat cancer twice and made all 50 states before turning 21. Have been to 45 twice or more

Lisa KemmerClarksville, Tennessee44It wasn't just the desinations, it was the awesome Journey together!

Carol & Tom KennedyPort Washington, WI50All 50 by 40th wedding anniversary

Caitlyn KeplerColumbia, MD50All 50 be age 30

Patton KernSumter, South Carolina50NASCAR YEAR & Alaska Road Trip

Rori KernSummerville, SC50

Michelle KerrWeddington, NC49

Jeremiah KesslerBowling Green, Ohio48

David KeyesSalt Lake City, UT50

Eagle Keys*Brandon, MB50I have also been to all 10 Canadian Provinces

Noble & Kacey KeyserConshohocken, PA50

MohammedSafi KhalifaBillerica, MA40

Imran KhanHoward Beach, NY50All 50 by age 28.

Alisha Khanal*Forney, Texas47All 50 before age 30

Lawrence KichlineAllentown, PA50

Ken and Rita KieferROCHESTER, MN50

james kimberley50

Jacqueline KincaidLeawood, KS50All 50 by age 18

Joey KincerTustin, CA50all 50 by age 40, visited all Lower 48 states within 30 days in 2005

Joyce KindredLas Vegas, NV50

Jeffrey KingDallas, TX49

Golda KinnLas Vegas, NV5050 states by age 18

Justine KirbyNew York, NY50

Adam KirchgessnerRochester, NY50All 50 by age 24

Erika KirchnerNew York, New York50

Larry Kirk50Played Disc Golf in all 50 in 50 days

Cindy KISHLERLANCASTER, Ohio50P50th anniversary

Joyce KistlerSedan, KS50

Gwyn KlafkeSt George, UT50Visited all 50 capitol buildings

Nathan KleinBattle Creek, MI50Won a Man Vs. Food Challenge in all 50 States

Geil KleinPlano, Texas50All 50 States by Age 50

Martin Klemrath*Berlin, Germany5019 trips, two of them coast-to-coast

Erica KlinePalmyra, PA50

Greg KlinePalmyra, PA50

Ian KlineValdosta, GA50

Jared Klingeisen5050 by age 30. 50 visited in 5 years

Laura KnitzToledo, Ohio50All 50 by age 30

Susan KnodleRoscoe, IL49

Fred & Sue KoberleinLake City, FL50We visited all 50 states together.

Cathy KobsWaukesha, WI46

John KochClarksville, TN50

Loryn KoganWilmette, Illinois50

Gregory KomendaKirkland, WA50

Dennis KonczykMt. Prospect, IL50

Kathy KoonsOviedo, FL50All 50 by age 60

Daxton and Nhu Quynh Kopaunik*Saratoga Springs, Utah50All 50 as a couple in 3 years, AND Nhu Quynh is a Vietnamese Citizen working on Immigrating to the U.S.

Akiva KoppelTeaneck, New Jersey50Visited all 50 States!

Joseph KosekFort Leavenworth, Kansas49CVisited all 50 and rode a Harley in all 50.

Barb KossegiKaty, TX50

Mike KotasekMcKinney, Texas50All 50 at age 45

Josh KrahenbuhlCincinnati, OH50All 50 states by age 33

Ian Kramer50All 50 by age 30

Thomas KrausePortland, OR50

William KrausePetoskey, Michigan50Visited all 5 Great Lakes. Visited all 3 oceans that touch North America, Driven the entire length of Mississippi River in One trip

Mary KregeNorton, OH50All 50 States Visited by Age 18!

Kevin KremlerHicksville, New York50

Carrie KrentzCollegeville, PA50

Mark KrmpotichJerome, AZ40I have Visted All 50 States

Cherie KronimusCentreville, VA50

Amanda KruseHermosa Beach, CA50All 50 by age 30

Arun KumarLeander, TX50All 50 before 50

Terri & Scott KunselmanWENTZVILLE, MO50

Jeffrey KunzWashington, UT50

Al KunzPocatello, ID48CI'm in the Extra Miler Club and thus far visited more than 85% of the counties and equivalents in the US

Dmitry Kvasnikov*Moscow, Russia35

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

William L'HeureuxWaterville, ME50God Bless America

Jackie LakinsGainesville, Florida50All 50 by age 45

Evan LambertMarietta, GA50All 50 in 6 years

Courtney LamendolaNashville, TN50

William Lamont*Coleraine, Londonderry50

Jerri LandisWACONIA, MN50

Michelle LandryCentennial, CO50PAll 50 by age 50


Stacy LaPradMILWAUKEE, WI50All 50 by age 50

Raymond LarcherNew Bern, NC50all 50 by age 75

Kathleen LarkinBellerose Village, New York50

Richard LaRose JrSouthfield, MA5050 Before 50

Jessica & Martina LarryDenton, TX5050 by 19 - Jessica (daughter), 50 by 50 - Martina (mom) / 50 in 5 years

Peter LarsenDudley, GA48C

Mary Latham50Found More Good in all 50 states

Andreas Laubreiter*50First Austrian to visit all 50 states

Marlene LavemanLivingston, NJ40

Lyman LawrenceSolon, Ohio50Bucket List accomplishment

Peter Le50All 50 States by Age 50

James LearySpringfield, Virginia50

Dallas LeavittMyrtle Beach, SC50All 50 by age 63

Chip LeavittMyrtle Beach, SC50All 50 at age 71

Mark & Lori LebedaToddville, Iowa50It took 44 years, but we visited 50 states together!

Lawrence Leduc Jr.Woomsocket, RI50

SEMIN LEE*IRVINE, CA50First Korean Member to visit all 50 states

Hank LeeTunica, MS50It took 76 years, but I did it!

Benjamin LeeBrentwood, TN49None

Dennis LeekeLakeville, MN50All 50 by age 50

Robert LegelGeneva, Il50

Kathi LegelGeneva, IL50

Del Leibel*Langley, BC50

Darlene LeinbergerPlymouth, MN50In all 50 states together by our 35th wedding anniversary!

Chrissy LentiniSaint Charles, Missouri50I made a goal to visit all 50 states by the time I turned 30. I did not count any states from before I made the goal, so I started over. My first state was in 2015 at 23 and last was 2021 at age 29. I went to 30 states in two years. It was a blast!

Jillian LenzLouisville, Nebraska50All 50 before 30

Andrew LeongMiddletown, NJ50All vacation, none business.

Ruth LepperHesperia, California50

Mark LevittRound Lake Beach, Illinois50

Natasha LewinToluca Lake, CA50

Barry LewisIrving, TX46

Brianna LicciardiNew Castle, DE50


Bill LieberbaumMarietta, GA50

Gary LiebischPowell, OH47

Karen LillisSAINT JOHNS, FL, FL50Our 50th state was my 50th state and our 49th state was my 49th state.

Marieta LimFalls Church, VA50None

Patti LindPortland, OR50

Nathan LindleyAnchorage, Alaska50All 50 by age 40

Louise & Bjorn Lindvall*Bromma, Sweden50

Chuck LitchfordDewey Beach, DE50

Dawn LittleOrlando, FL501 bike, 1 marriage, 1 country

Michael LittleHuntsville, AL50PAll 50 by 30

Roger LivelyGore, OK.50

Dennis LivingstonBountiful, UT50

Cathy Lloyd-LangleyBrooklyn, MI43

Brenton LockamyLeland, NC50

Stuart & Nicola Locke*Gateshead, Tyne & Wear50

Lily LoewenGrove City, OH50

Mark and Pat LofferPuyallup, WA50Spent the at least 1 night in all 50 states.

Jeremy LoganCheyenne, WY50

Richard LohnerChandler, AZ50All 50 by age 31

Ginger LongGalion, Ohio39

Adoree Daryl LopezColorado Springs, CO50All 50 before age 40

Kathryn LopezSanta Fe, NM50

Wesley LoughHighland, CA50All 50 by the end of 5th Grade

Bryan LovejoySmithtown, Ny50

Judy LovelletteSycamore, Illinois50

Joe LowenthalPowhatan, VA50PNo

Christopher Dale LoweryMiddletown, NY50

Mark and Donna LubiewskiSt. Peters, MO50Traveled all 50 states together!

Doreen LubinDahlonega, GA5070 years / 50 states

Michael LugassyOssining, NY50All 50 US States and All Canadian Provinces and Territories.

Carmen LukeWeatherford, TX50

Cayden LukeWeatherford, Texas50All 50 by age 19

Carson LukeWeatherford, Texas50All 50 before age 16

Samuel LundWalsenburg, CO50Completed All 50 States at Age 16

Katie LundquistColorado Springs, CO42

Heather LuskZionsville, IN5050 by 50

Andrew Luxen44working on all 50 before 40

Gary LynchHemet, California50No

Tonya Lynch-StrahlIndianapolis, IN35Visit 50 states before I’m 70

Scott LyneNew York, NY50All 50 by age 50

Dylan LynessLincoln, Nebraska50All 50 by age 26

Jamie LyssaPearland, TX45

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Briana MSpokane Valley, WA50

Krista MaansBellevue, WA48

Peter MaassLutz, Florida50

Jenna MacDonaldNashville, TN4950 by 50

John MacKinnonNorth tonawanda, Ny49

Angus Maclean*Highlands Ranch, Colorado49

Gillian and David Macpherson*Glasgow, Scotland50

Timothy MacyRichfield, OH50All 50 by age 41.

Cody MagillTionesta, PA50All 50 by age 40

Alessia Magnelli*Pelago, Firenze43

Ankush Mahajan*Plano, Texas35

Benjamin MahoneyDorchester, MA50

Dionne MakilaOxon Hill, MD50All 50 states at age 50!

David MaldonadoDillsburg, Pennsylvania50

Cynthia MalhanceChicago, IL50

Mark ManginiBradenton, Florida50P

Teresa MankinIndianapolis, IN50All 50 by age 45

Antoinette MannHerndon, VA50All 50 by age 50!

John MannCherry Valley, Illinois45

Teryl ManningBowling Green, KY50

REBECCA MANNINGBethlehem, PA44All states visited by 35

Jessper MaquindangSanta Clarita, CA50All 50 by age 37

Elisa Marcheschi HickeyLas Vegas, Nevada5050 before 50

Elisa Marcheschi HickeyLas Vegas, Nevada5050 before 50

Wendy MarikLong Lake, Minnesota50

Marsha MarkertRaleigh, North Carolina48

Michael MarkoskiFarmingdale, NY50

Frances MarquartLakewood, Washington50

Ryan MarshallColumbia, SC50Every state by thirty

Caroline MarstonShreveport, Louisiana50PAll 50 by age 40

Jon MartensTempe, AZ502 time member of the Fifty Club

Teresa MartinPlano, TX50All 50 by 50

Courtney MartinArlington, VA50All 50 by age 30

Chet MartinAptos, CA50All 50 By Age 69

Linda MartinNarvon, PA50

Lennie MartinNarvon, PA50

Sara Martin-StallsChardon, OH50P

Larry MartinezSanta Barbara, CA50USVI, DC and US Sektor Berlin

Carlos MartinezChicago, IL50I want to know if there is another Latino in the list

Jim MaruskaTemecula, CA50Almost 50 foreign countries as well

Mary MasilionisTopeka, Kansas50

Nick MaslakNorthville, MI43Enjoying the variety of US citizens.

Lana MasonRancho Murieta, CA509 months traveling together in a 24 foot motorhome.

Marc MasonCanandaigua, NY50Visited all 50 Capitols

Denise MastJacksonville, FL50

John MastersGreensboro, NC5050 by age 50

Angela MATHISValencia, United States (+1)49Mother and Daughter Duo

Mike MatovinaCanton, MI50All 50 by age 20

Laura MattHaslet, TX504th Generation 50 States Visitor, All 50 by age 17

Ellen MattHaslet, TX504th Generation 50 States Visitor, All 50 by age 15

Christian MattHaslet, TX503rd Generation 50 States visitor, All 50 twice

Sarah MattHaslet, TX50

Karen MattessichRockaway, NJ50P

Christian MattiaWashington, DC50

Daniel MaughanChatham, IL50Visited all 50 states in 5 years

Michael MaukLawrenceville, GA50

Jen MayOxford, Florida50

Jocelyn MayfieldOxford, Florida50

Madison MaysHIGH POINT, North Carolina50Completed all 50 States by Age 17

Samantha MazzucaFranklin, TN50

Janice MazzucaFranklin, TN50

Steve McAllisterSaint Louis, MO50All 50 states in almost 50 years of marriage to Janet

Janet McAllisterSaint Louis, MO50All 50 states in 50 years of marriage to Steve

Aimee McAuleyBuford, GA50Before 45

Kelly McCannWestlake, OH50All 50 with 4 kids

Cindy McCartyCRYSTAL LAKE, IL47All 50 in 60 years

Linda McClearySun City, AZ50

Grant McClintockIndianapolis, IN50All 50 US States by age 48

Sean Scott McCrackenBoise, ID50All 50 by 40

Mitchell McCreaChapel Hill, TN50This is a Test

Michael McDonald*Palm Harbor, Florida50London to Alaska by Motorcycle

Lloyd McFarlandLawrenceburg, TN50All 50 by 55

Mark McGarrowNorthville, MI50All 50 before age 50

Joe McGillianMarietta, GA50

Jill McGovernWashington, DC, DC50All 50 by 75

Sarah McGuireLiberty, TX50

Sarah McIlroyAustin, TX50Visited all 50 states with our four kids (ages 12,9,5,3)

Nancy Jamison McIlvainLongmont, CO50

James McInerneySpring Lake, NJ50All 50 by age 50


Chris McKayKansas City, MO5050 States in 50 Days

Christopher McKenzieRochester Hills, Michigan50All 50 by age 50 with a hike, bike, fish, paddle, or camp in each state

Robert McKeownKarabar, New South Wales50Drove a car in 49 states and District of Columbia

William McKinniesTustin, CA50

Marilyn & James McLaffertyRed Hook, NY50Toured All Capitols icl. Washington DC

Brandon McNaughtonMilan, MI502nd Time Completing All 50 states!

Lorenzo Dow III McWilliamsWhitehouse, TX50

Michael MeagherCary, NC50

Rob Meakin*Walton on Thames, Surrey50

Justin MeierMontgomery, TX50All 50 before 40

Cameron MeierOrlando, FL50spent the night in 48, visited 44 at least twice

Sophia MellenFoxboro, MA50All 50 by age 23

Chris MellenFoxboro, MA50I have been to all 50 states twice and I have been to 49 of the 50 states (all except Alaska) at least 3 times.

Vonda MeltonLexington, KY50

Crystal MendellAustin, TX3550 by 60

John MennellaMount Prospect, Illinois50

Diane MeragliaStaten Island, NY35

Tina MercerLompoc, Ca4450 by 50

Chandanie MerhaiGlen Burnie, Maryland50Visited all 50 states

Chryspan MerriweatherJacksonville, FL50

Diane MescherHilliard, OH5050 States Together

Gordy MetteeDes Moines, IA50All 50 before 30

Ted MeyerHarrison City, PA50We have visited all 50 states and 40 of the states two or more times together

Cathy MeyerHarrison City, PA50We have visited all 50 states and 40 of the states two or more times together

Andy Michael*West Malling, Kent50Covered 42 States before even considering target of 50!

Michelle MielkeWinston Salem, NC50All 50 before 50

Robyn MietkiewiczOrange, CA50All 50 States At Age 39

Julie Migliaccio50

Diane MillerLadera Ranch, CA50All 50 by 40

Ronnie MillerLexington, Kentucky50All 50 by age 50

Jay MillerBoca Raton, Florida50

Chuck Miller50golfed in all 50, wrote book "Golfing the U.S."

Troy MillerMukilteo, WA50

Christina Millergettysburg, PA50all 50 states by age 50

Veronica MillerMonroe, WA50All 50 by age 50

Richard MillerGatesville, Texas50golfed in every state, stayed at least one night in all 50 and 17 countries

angelo milozzoClinton, NY50Linda Skydiving in Hawaii and Angelo driving tank in Minnesota

Todd MinerWest Richland, WA50All 50 by age 50

Kara MingsBellaire, TX50

Amanda MinnichConcord, Ca49All 50 by age 50

Peggy MireDestrehan, LA49

LaCresha MirrieleesSpringfield, VA50All 50 before 50...

Bryan MitchellDenver, Colorado5024 years old, 50 states

Leslie Parker MitchellPittsford, NY50

Rebekah, Andrew, Issiac, Maddie, Sam, Anna Mitchell/AllebachWarsaw, IN50All 50 states as a family in 10 years.

Paul MizeraChicago, IL50all 50 by age 30

Peter Moberg50

Avone MobleyEDMOND, Oklahoma49

Randy MohrOmaha, Nebraska50Lifetime Achievement

Svetlana Moleva*NYC, NY50* ALL 50 STATES IN 3 YEARS *

Deanna MonetPhoenix, AZ44

Stacey MonroeHamilton, Texas50June 17, 2021

Joseph MontemagnoEuless, TX50all 50 by age 50

Mark MontemayorDenton, TX50

Jean MontgomeryMALVERN, PA50All 50 before 65, been to 35 at least twice, will I hit all 50 again?

Robert MontgomeryBRANSON, MO50Completed October 5, 1996, at the age of 12 years, 3 months, and 9 days.

Shirley MontgomeryLincoln, United States (+1)50On Honeymoon...including north slope

Colten MontgomeryBerthoud, CO50All 50 by age 30, played a Disc Golf Course in every State

Richard MoodyFt Walton Beach, FL50All 50 by Age 60

Mitchell MooreAuburn, WA50Portland to Portland, 33 years and 5 days.

Wayne MooreWinchester, TN50

Martin MooreGlendale, Wi50All 50 States in Under 10 Years

Michelle MorfordZillah, WA38

John MorganKINGWOOD, TX50

Richard MorganNeedmore, Pennsylvania50no


Robert MorrisFlower Mound, tx50

Christopher MorrisAliso Viejo, CA50All 50 by age 35

NANCY MORRISHendersonville, TN50Visited together

Jamie Morris-HaleyWYTHEVILLE, VA50Hiked in all 50 states

Eric MorsonStamford, CT5050 states by age 50

Kim Mortiboy*Church Stretton, Shropshire50

Ray MoserAsheville, North Carolina35

Jarrod MosesNew York, NY48CA meal in every state

Rita MossAlexandria, VA50Nifty & Barely over 50 to all 50!

Caitlyn MossetHot Springs, South Dakota50All 50 by age 30

Griffin MostEden Prairie, MN50All 50 by age 28


niloy mukherjee*San Jose, CA50

Ruth Ann MullenaxArbovale, West Virginia50I have completed my life goal of going to all 50 States

Rosie MunguiaWhittier, Ca50

John MurphyLas Vegas, NV49You really got out there and experienced America!!

Dorothy MurrayMogadore, OH50

Kellie MurrayGallatin, TN50

Linda Murray-FigueroaPalm Bay, FL49I am going to Maine this weekend- State#50!

Rich MursetGilbert, AZ50All 50 in 102 Days

Katie MursetGilbert, AZ5048 in an RV!

Elizabeth MusellaEast Greenwich, RI47Can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order!

Al MuskewitzAnniston, AL36

Craig MyersWestfield, Indiana50

Melissa MysMuskegon, MI49

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Nancy nagacinski@yahoo.comUniversity Heights, OH50

Michael NaglerGarden City, NY50golfed all 50 states

Dianne NaglerGarden City, NY50All 50 by age 50

James NaglerGarden City, NY50all 50 by age 15

Emma NaglerGarden City, NY50all 50 by age 17

Susan NamyHaslet, Texas50Visited all 50 states!

Amy NansteelHellertown, PA50P

Anntriniece NapperMemphis, Tennessee50All 50 at age 41

Linda & Billie Nash Jr.Lambertville, MI50All 50 in 46 Years

Victoria NatlandKannapolis, NC50All 50 before 50

Valerie NaylorRapid City, SD50all 50 by age 44, all 50 twice

Judy NaylorLockport, NY50

Meghan NearyAlexandria, Va50

Todd NeelLakewood, CO50

Meghan NeimanVienna, VA50All 50 by 31

Martin Nekola*Prague 5, Prague50Visited all 50 Capitols

Beau NelsonScott AFB, IL50

Dennis NelsonFort worth, Texas50

Teresa NelsonFORT WORTH, TX50All 50 by age 50

Terry NelsonKansas City, MO50Has run a marathon in all 50 states and DC.

Benjamin NeubergerSyracuse, NY50All 50 by age 19. 6 Road trips across the country. Did something & ate something in every state.

Ben NeumannSAN FRANCISCO, California50All 50 by age 40; Father and son visited 50th state 13 years apart


Michele NevellTINLEY PARK, Illinois50It has taken almost a lifetime to complete my journey to see all 50 States. Persistence has been my special accomplishment and I truly appreciate the wonders of this country.

Erika NewcombOrange, CA49All 50 States By Age 35

David NewmanOdenton, MD50No

Justin Ng*Irvine, CA50First Member from Singapore

Mary NicholsLeawood, KS50

Adam NicholsWeston, Missouri4950 by Age 50

Madeline NicholsRichmond, TX50All 50 by age 20

Cindy NicholsRichmond, TX50All 50 well before the age of 50

Corey NickelsPerkins, Oklahoma50All 50 in our 50's

Douglas NicksonBellevue, WA50All 50 five times, all 50 capitols, all 40 Presidential grave sites

Joseph NijmehWashington DC, DC50All 50 Before Age 50

Jordan NikoloffFairfax Station, VA50All 50 by age 21

William NolandAlpharetta, Georgia50All 50 by age 30

Wendy NorcrossEly, MN49Raising Alzheimer’s Awareness in all 50 states

Katherine NorelliBelton, TX50Solo traveled all 50 by age 26 as a strong independent woman.

Jessica NortonChicago, IL50

Ceecy NuckerOdenton, MD50All 50 by 50; 10 as a Private Pilot

Robert NuttmannJamul, CA50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Patrick O'ConnorWASHINGTON, DC50


Peter O'DonnellHerington, KS50Visited all 50 capitals

Kristi O'DonnellHouston, TX35

Jackie O'LaughlinGermantown Hills, Illinois50Visited all 50 with my with my husband Jim

James O'LaughlinGermantown Hills Il., Illinois50Having my Beautiful Wife with me for all 50 states

Carson OakesAtlanta, Georgia50PAt the age of 27

Andy ObilleHenderson, Nevada50All 50 by age 25

Jennifer OddoLathrup Village, MI49

Noa Ohayon Bab*Rockville, Maryland3552! Including Hawaii and Alaska!

Tunde Ojewola*Mansfield, TX50Visited ALL 50 within 10 years of Relocating to the United States

Luigi Olivares*Dallas, Texas39

Cristóbal OlivaresBerkeley, California50

Bobby OliverWinona, Mississippi50Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Koda OllerEnid, OK50All 50 during 4 years of college, and 48 by car!

Jared OlschewskiBrigham City, UT50

Phyllis OlsonMINNETONKA, MN50

Mike and Amy OmiecinskiOro Valley, AZ50

Janet OmlanskyMonterey, CA50

Kal and Sharon OngasNewfoundland, New Jersey50

Makoto Ori*Funabashi, Chiba50Visited all 50 states during my relocation to New Jersey (2014-2024)

Sandy OrrGurnee, IL50

Dominic OrrieLyle, MN50Traveled to all 50 states

Brandy OsborneRiverside, Ca50We finished all 50 states in 364 days

Cindy OwenMinooka, IL48All 50 by age 50

Mark OxenreiterPittsburgh, PA50All 50 states by age 50

Esra OziskenderHollywood, FL39

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Judi P’simerSt. Petersburg, FL50

Susan PaceCincinnati, OH50

Richard PainchaudMontgomery, MA49

Alysha PalmerBristow, IA50P

Dennis PalmerBristow, IA50P

Colt PalmerBristow, IA50PAll 50 before I turned 5

R Craig PalubiakSaint Louis, MO50Landed on 50th state on D-Day Anniversary June 6th (1944) of which my Father Charles landed on Omaha Beach France to fight the Nazis!

Thomas Panebianco, Jr.Lakewood, New Jersey5040 years to get last 3 states

Stephen Pankiewicz*Ottawa, ON50

Joseph and Jane ParkLaveen, AZ50Visited all National Parks in the continent

Helen ParkDiamond Bar, CA50

Catherine ParkerTaylor, TX50Drove three kids across 48 states

Regina ParkerSAN LEANDRO, CA50

Alicia ParkerGrapevine, TX50All 50 by age 35

Andria ParkerPflugerville, TEXAS50

Katherine Parker-MagyarMorristown, New Jersey50All 50 by 13

John ParksChillicothe, MO50

Aaron ParksSeattle, WA50Visited all 50 states without ever owning a driver's license

Alex ParrishAustin, TX50Tried every regional bbq - Texas is the best

Tamara ParsonsCOLORADO SPGS, CO39

Lauren Partin50PAll 50 by 25

NIKOLAOS PASCHALAKIS*Athens, Attiki50All 50 by age 59

Brittney PascoeMcDonald, PA50All 50 by age 30

Christy PasikatanLilburn, GA38Visited, Puerto, Rico, St John and St Simon

Anthony PasseriCave Creek, AZ50

J.C. PastranaSneads Ferry, North Carolina50Visited all 50 States by age 61. Visited 43 National Parks.

Richard PatakyKnoxville, Tn50

stephen pateHouston, Texas47

Barbara PatersonLeona valley, CA49Made the summit of Mt. Whitney, CA

Michael PatrickSicklerville, NJ49

Herb PattersonBirmingham, AL48Saw an opera in each of the last 15.

Alicia PavlinkoColchester, Ct46All 50 by age 30

Sharon PaynePinehurst, NC50All 50 by Age 65

Dalton PaynePotosi, MO48C

Christopher PeckHuber Heights, OH50

Tracy PefferEmmaus, Pennsylvania50All 50 by age 52

Randi PellettForest Hills, NY47

Krishna PendyalaAllison Park, PA50All 50 by age 60

David PequenoChicago, IL48C48 contiguous U.S. states by age 30

Dayle PercleFairfax Station, VA50All 50 by 35!

Jose & Magaly PerezMiami, Florida50All 50 + Washington DC & Puerto Rico by 55

Elizabeth PerezDelray Beach, FL35All 50 by age 50

Mike PerfectSaint Paul, MN46All 50 by age 50

Julian PerrineCandor, NY50Juggled in many states.

Heidi PetersCornelius, NC50P

Dan PetersonGlenview, IL50

Melanie PetersonGlenview, IL50

Gregory PetrilloLeesburg, Florida50

Samuel PetrunoHEREFORD, AZ50All 50 by 50

Kerry PhalenHuntingtown, Maryland501st Member in my Family to visit all 50 states

Chuck PhilippLongmont, Colorado50Finally made all 50!

Reagan PhillipsVIRGINIA BEACH, VA50All 50 by 13

Abbey PhillipsHattiesburg, MS50

Avril PhillipsELLENWOOD, Georgia50All 50 states in 3 months!

Eddie Pickle50

Betsy PickleFairfax, VA50

Patric PikeHopkins, MI49

Holly PilcavageWilkes-Barre, PA49All 50 by age 35

Mikhail Pilipenko*Swampscott, Massachusetts50All 50 in 3,5 years

Charles PingleyFront Royal, VIRGINIA50

Linda PletzShelby Township, MI50Visited all 50 states and reaching state #50, Alaska, at age 71. Took an excursion to Wiseman, AK 63 miles north of The Arctic Circle.

Judy PlexicoPhiladelphia, PA50

Nanci PlouffeVeradale, WA50

Catherine PlumleeDecatur, GA50all 50 by age 25

Michael PoeWest Sacramento, California50

Sevan PoetryWestwood, NJ49Guiness World Record Holder

Ryan PollardBaltimore, Maryland50Visited all 50 states as husband & wife.

Stephen PollingerWESTON, FL49At this time we have visited 49 states. These state visits include visiting ALL 49 state capital buildings! Only North Dakota remains for summer 2024 to complete visiting of our marvelous nifty fifty...We began our state travels upon getting married in 1987.

Kalen PonzohaLittleton, CO50My best friend and I made it out of Myrtle Beach still friends

Alain PorroChicago, IL50

Charlotte PostShakopee, MN50Have photos of myself or kids with all State Welcome Signs except Hawaii & Alaska

Martiqua PostCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO50All 50 States by Age 31

Ashwin Prabhughate*Maharashtra, India50all 50 by age 25

Gary PrentissAurora, CO50

Madelaine PrescottLos Angeles, CA44

LeKeisha PresleyOpelika, AL5050 by age 50

Jamie PrevattWesley Chapel, FL49

Rand PriceCathedral City, CA50All 50 states before age 60!

Cynthia PriceGlen Allen, VA50All 50 by age 50 (50 x 50)


Nikki PriceYork, Pennsylvania50

Donald PriorScottsdale, AZ50

Erlyn Propst-StraussVictoria, MN50All 50 states completed on June 22, 2022

Zia PurohitKeller, Texas48CAll by age 10

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Faheem QaviHouston, TX50

Enrico Quaresimin*Houston, Texas50

Alan QuilleCheyenne, WY50P

Paul QuintoMissouri City, TX5048 States by Land. NO Choice but to fly Alaska and Hawaii

Di Quynn RenoQueenstown, MD5050 states in 50 years

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Nicholas RackleyNew Haven, CT50Stepped foot in his 50th State at the Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States (Lebanon, KS)

Marisa RaffaeleMiddletown, DE5050 by 28

Hollie RaheStockton, CA50All 50 by age 40

Bob RainvilleNORTH ANDOVER, Massachusetts, MA50Slept in all 50, photographed 49 capitols

Priya RamsaranCoral Springs, Fl50Accomplished before Rebekah went off to college

Cidnie RaneyLincoln, CA50All 50 while 50 years old!

Tiffany RangelHauula, HI50Drove through all 50 states, ate a meal in each, and did it in 5 week on one single trip!

David RangelHauula, HI50Drove through all 50 states, ate a meal, and did it in 5 week on one single trip!

Carmen RangelHauula, HI50Drove through all 50 states, ate a meal, and did it in 5 week on one single trip!

Ryan RasmussenRexburg, ID46Rasmussen Family Travel Club

Jeri RatcliffeWest Chester, PA50Crossing getting all 50 states off my bucket list

Chales RatcliffeWest Chester, PA50

Praveen Ravula*fairfax, Virginia50All 50 States by 24

Lynn RaySmyrna, Tennessee50

Raymond Draskovich Raymond DraskovichTigard, OR47

Amanda ReedFruitland, Idaho50All 50 by age 50

Gary ReedFishers, IN50

Elliott ReepCarrollton, TX47Visited all 50 Capitals!

Linda ReeseLakewood, CO50Visited all 50 States

Robert RegoOrlando, FL50All 50 by age 65

Christopher RehIssaquah, WA50

Layth RehmanGrand Forks, ND50All 50 by age 20

Jared ReidEdison, New Jersey50All 50 by age 21

Scott ReimerGreen Bay, Wisconsin50All 50 by age 50

Pat RemickWashington, DC50Visited all 50 states despite almost three decades of avoiding flying

Vicki Replogle BurrellHesperia, MI50All 50 Before 50!

Rick ResnickSpringfield Township, NJ40

Andrew ResslerNorth Reading, MA5050 by Age 25

Harry & Ellie ReustYoder, IN50From Huntington to Fargo, we've been everywhere.

Phillip ReuwerJunction City, KS50

Andrew ReyesCharleston, West Virginia50All 50 by age 30

Austin RhamyScottsbluff, NE50All 50 before my 24th birthday

Madeleine RiceNew York, NY50Marc - all 50 by age 50, Maddie - all 50 by age 48, Lila all 50 by age 16, Cokie all 50 by age 13

Katherine RiceWest Palm Beach, FL50PIt took 72 1/2 years!

Bobby RichardPortland, OR50

Scott RichardsConcord, NC5050 by age 34

Paul RichmondFranklin, MA50Thanks to my daughter Aly for setting me on this goal

Rebecca and Merle RiddleFountain Inn, South Carolina50We rode our HD trike to 48 of the 50 states before age 70!

Christopher Ridgway*Tarporley, Cheshire50All 50 by the age 35

Nancy RieszNorth Bend, Ohio48After 25 years of 48 states FINALLY making 50 states!

Michael RileyNaples, Florida50Long trip to Hawaii for number 50

Mario RiosHouston, TX50

Steve RitchieWillow Spring, North Carolina50

Robert RITTERAlamo, California50


Robert RoachPorter,


Teresa RobersonJohnstown, CO50no

Marlo RobertsSharpsburg, GA50

Jordan RobertsSharpsburg, GA50

Madison RobertsSharpsburg, GA50

Dionne RobertsSan Antonio, TX50All 50 by 50

james robertsOrmond Beach, FL50

Donna RobertsonMinneapolis, MN50Visited 50th State (Hawaii) w/entire family together

Paige RobinsonGeorgetown, DE50

Stephanie RobinsonRoyal Palm Beach, FL38

Maria RockSpanaway, WA50

Karine Rodrigues de Jesus Pereira*Elkhorn, NE49All 50 before turning 30

Jason RogheliaWindham, ME50

Robert RolandGassville, Arkansas50Finished all fifty states in 5 years.

Ondrej Rolecek*50Road-Tripping Across All 50 States

Ondrej Rolecek*50

Freddie RomeroMiddletown, NY50Originally born and raised in a small in Arizona

Jose Romero IIAnchorage, Alaska50Finishing 50 while finishing the 50's

Pedro RomoMt Pleasant, SC50All 50 before turning 40

Alice RooksChicago, IL49All 50 @ age 50

Dave Rooney*Henderson, Nevada50All 50 by age 50

Juan RosasMemphis, TN5050 by 20

Grant RoseStevensville, MI5050 States and 42 Countries Before Age 22

alec rosenCoral Gables, Florida50

David RosenblumPhiladelphia, PA50

Geoffrey Rosenthal*Easton, Connecticut50All 50 by age 50

Sean RossAstoria, New York41

Heather RossTUCSON, Arizona50

Nathan RossonNorth Canton, Ohio50

Heather RossonTucson, AZ35

Joseph RostaFallsington, PA37Rosta Family Excellent Adventures

Sienna RothLaguna Niguel, CA50All 50 States by Age 14

Zoey RothLaguna Niguel, CA50All 50 States by Age 13

D.N. RothSyracuse, NY50

Dennis RothwellPhiladelphia, PA50Before finishing college

Marvel RotnessLake Stevens, Washington50

Alicia RoveyFranklin, TN50

Carsten RoveyFranklin, TN48

Leah RoveyFranklin, TN46

Trevor RoveyFranklin, Franklin49

Alyssa RoyceFoster City, CA50All 50 by age 30

Daniel RubinHighland Park, IL50Spent at least a night in all 50 states

Jennifer Rubin EvansSikeston, MO50All 50 at Age 25

Wiff RuddWoodway, Texas50

Michael RudnickiNassau Bay, TX49No

Anton RuesingFrederick, MD49

Logan RuppelPortland, Oregon50All 50 by age 31

Megan Rushton*Zetland, NSW50

Tara RussPasadena, MD50All 50 at age 32

JD RussellGilbert, AZ50

Douglas W. RussellWaukesha, WI50All 50 by age 50

Bob RussellGrayslake, IL50P

Walter RussellWaukesha, WI50

Charles RyburnSan Antonio, TX50

Kent Ryen*44All 50 by age 50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Alan SSeattle, WA50

Babita saaraswatMorganville, NJ44

Vincent SadowskiFort Walton, FL50RV'd in all 50, drank a beer in all 50, toured every state capital

Nathan SaeteBROOKLYN, NY - New York50

Anne and Richard SafrathMenick, NY50

Ian Sage*Littlestone, Kent50

Emmie SaigusaEwa Beach, HI50No

Ann Marie SalamyDenver, CO50

James Salfred-InghamCenterville, OH50


Barb and Bob SalmoShrewsbury, MO50

Candace Salvatto GomezPeekskill, NY43All 50 before end of 2025

Kevin SampsonHaverhill, MA5050 States by Age 50

Linda SampsonPensacola, FL50

David SamuelTeaneck, New Jersey50

Aubrey SanchezSan Francisco, CA50All 50 by age 40. Hiked, camped and visited most national parks with doggie, Vino Tuxedo, who has been to 49 states.

Nancy Sancho PhilippScottsdale, Arizona5050 by 55 in 2015!

Tara SandercockGreensboro, NC50

Richard and Janice SandersBisbee, AZ43

Heidi SandlerElgin, IL50All 50!

Dheeraj Sangtiani*Jersey City, NJ50All 50 States Before Age 30

Rob SantryMarietta, GA50All 50 States Twice and All State Capitols.

Ron & Ellen SardinaWilliamsville, NY50Our 50th State on our 50th Wedding Anniversary

Kristen SarteWashington, NJ50All 50 by 32!

Sherry SarteWashington, NJ50

Mitsutaka SatoBethesda, MD50Visited all 50 states during 2016-2019.

Lacey SauvageauLake Stevens, Washington50

Elaine ScaddenSan Jose, CA50

Karol ScarboroughOakwood, GA50

Mary SchaadtSunnyvale, CA50

Timothy ScheckMount Vernon, OH50All 50 for 30th Anniversary

Ray SchendelCouncil Bluffs, IA47

Victor Schepen*Leiden, Zuid-Holland50

Lori ScherFairfax, VA50#50before50

Ashley SchickOak Point, TX50All 50 by age 43. My rule was I had to have a meal in each state. 50 states and 35 countries! 7th generation Daughter of the Republic of Texas and Hawaii was my final state on my honeymoon! My husband, Jacob Schick and I have been to 36 together in five years!

Marcia SchillingClarksville, Tennessee50All 50 states in one year. All 50 by age 50.

Alan SchlesingerBuford, Georgia5050 by 50

Gregg SchmidtFischers, IN50all 50 state capitol cities and 114 of 116 large U.S. cities

Linda SchneiderHigh Point, NC50visited many National Parks

Tony SchroederOverland park, Ks50Plus u

Rodney SchroederOcoee, FL50All 50 by age 50. Completed at age 46

Sue SchwartzKentfield, CA50

Allan SchweighardtDenville, NJ50Ate pizza in every state

Malcolm Scott*Berwick upon Tweed, Northumberland50

Lindsay ScottFarmington, AR50

Carla ScottLas Vegas, Nevada49All 50 States at Age 50

Chris-Ann ScottFredericksburg, Virginia5050 states, 100+ countries, and 7 continents

Joseph ScottFredericksburg, VA5050 states, 100+ countries, 7 continents

Perri ScottLakewood, Washington50P50 before 30

Spencer SeaitzIndianapolis, IN50

Sarah SearsCarmel, In50All 50 by 50

Nicholas SecorPea Ridge, AR49All 50 by age 18

Grace SeeleyJersey City, NJ36

Tom SeetonGolden, CO50I have also traveled to all of the inhabited Hawaiian islands.

Michael SellarsFayetteville, NC50Retired military: I've served all and seen all!

Elizabeth SemrauSt. Cloud, FL50

Allie SeroussiSeattle, Washington50Visited all 50 states before age 30

Gary Sewell50

Jerry ShannonWhitleyville, Tennessee50Visited a BWW in all 50 States.

Kristen ShannonChicago, IL5050 Before 30

Papiya SharminJamaica, NY50By age of 27

Sue ShaverWilliamsburg, VA50

Albert ShawFredericksburg, VA50

Gene Shaw*Christchurch, Canterbury50

Beverly ShawBeavercreek, OH49All 50 by age 70

James SheehanMattapoisett, MA50PAll 50 at age 10

Deborah ShelleyCamp Hill, PA50

Noel SherrySaint Petersburg, Florida50PAll 50 by age 25

Thomas ShesslerZionville, North Carolina50All 50 by age 50

Doretta ShieldsChattanooga, Tennessee50


Shijan ShineSioux City, Iowa50All 50 by age 25

Larry & Cathy ShirleyHonea Path, South Carolina50P

Steven ShirleyWaukesha, Wisconsin50

Amy ShoemakerCosta Mesa, California50All 50 by age 30

Steve ShoreApex, NC48

Timothy J. ShugrueCranford, NJ50All 50 by age 50

Marcos SibajaNational City, California50Took me 35 years to visit all 50

Fouzia SiddiquiRockingham, VA50I am a practicing Neurologist in Virginia, me and my husband Ajaz Ahmed, are originally from Pakistan, been US citizens for several years. We believe we are the first couple of Pakistani origin who have visited all 50 states! We also made sure that we ate the local ice cream of each state!

Martha Jean SidebottomRONKONKOMA, New York50Final state age 70

Shafir Sie*Metuchen, New Jersey50The first Dutch-Indonesian, first Peranakan-Chinese, first Celebes origin/son of Sulawesi, first Java’s born, and the first Bugis-Makassar-Minahasa explorer of the 21st century and of North America continent. The first Indonesian national To have visited all the 50 states in 361 days and visited several states multiple times within that period. Prayed in every single US state and on the phone call in every single state with my Colombian friend. First 50 states visitor in the history of my both sides of the families, visited all the 50 states and Washington DC by the age of 30, drove for 97k miles in less than 2 years, stayed with/at friends in every region of America, visited largest malls in America, visited the largest city in the largest state and the smallest city in the smallest state, visited major cities, and lastly drive around and visited every state side of Lake Michigan plus visited all the Great Lakes and visited two US oldest cities, purchased cars twice and drove them to the west in the same day. Drove with my Chevrolet Spark in 31 states and DC, drove my Cadillac XT5 in 25 states.

Hudson SiglingerArvada, CO50P

Kimberly Silla-MacKinnonNorth tonawanda, Ny49

Kay SimmonsSaco, Maine50All 50 states and 40th wedding anniversary

Tyler SimpsonStanford, Kentucky49Visited All 50 States Together

Gordon SimpsonWest Burke, VT48C48 by 7 years old.

Marie SinfieldPierre, SD50

Sandy SingerHenderson, NEVADA50

Apurva Singh*Bellevue, Washington50Rank among other Indians and people from Mumbai, Currently 26 Years old and visited all 50 + DC in less than 5 years, Completed All US states on F-1 Student Visa without leaving USA on August 12, 2019, Rented 40+ Rental Cars all drove in all US states +DC, Drove 45,000+ Miles (More than 72, 420 Kms) all alone.

Elizabeth SingleWest Chester, PA50All 50 by 50

Craig and Elizabeth SingleWest Chester, PA50All 50 by 50

Andrew SkellyPittsburgh, PA50PAll 50 by Age 30

Jake SketoLouisville, KY49

MERRILL SKIPWORTHMemphis, Tennessee50PAll 50 before 21st Birthday

Benjamin SkurekPalm Bay, Florida50All 50 by age 28

Don SligerWinchester, VA50

Kim and John SloanBellville, OH50rode their motorcycle in all 50, 2nd time to all 50

Margaret SlocumWoodbridge, VA50All 50 states before 30 years old


Joe SmallSouthlake, TX50I have also been to and seen an MLB game in all 30 MLB ballparks

Natalie SmerkanichLong Beach, CA50All 50 by age 30

Thomas SmithOlympia , Washington5050 by 50

Rita & Graham Smith*Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire50All 50 by 50th Wedding Anniversry

Janice SmithLouisville, KY5050 by 60

Brian SmithVenice, FL50

Jarel SmithMarietta, GA50

Andrew Smith*Flitwick, England50Managed all 50 before I turned 51. Hope to do all 50 again by 60 as I take my daughter and spend a night in every state (missing 3).

Pamela SmithAustin, TX50

Ronny SmithIndianapolis, IN49

Lisa SmithEuless, TX5050 before 50; 48 overnight states

Ruth SmithWilmington, NC50Visited the 50th for my 60th birthday!

Michael SmithSandy Hook, Virginia50Visited all 50 States and all 5 Great Lakes

Ronald SmithDetroit, Michigan46All 50 by 50

Joyce B. SmithDurham, NC35also 7 continents

Mark and Lisa SmithClaremore, Oklahoma5050 before 55

Mark and Robbi Smith*Sheldon, Queensland5050 States, 40000 miles, 288 days, 46yrs young, and too many burgers!

Bethany SmithDallas, Texas50

Diana SmithTarentum, Pa50

Michael SmithHerndon, VA50Alaska - July 28, 2024

Rodney Smith Jr. 50visited all 50 - TEN times, mowing lawns for disabled, veterans, raising awareness for many causes

Team SmykaHigh Ridge, MO50

Paul SnappSan Clemente, CA50

Jessica SnarrMillcreek, Utah43

James & Linda SneadRinggold, Virginia50Visited all Presidents Graves and Library’s

Rondalen SniderGoshen, Indiana50Visited all 50 states by age of 58

Betsy SnipePort Angeles, Washington State50Took son Zachary to all 50 states before he was ten.

Dr Ron H SnipePort Angeles, Washington State50Slept at least 5 nights in all 50 States, photographed every capitol

Robert and Jann SnyderJackson, TN50

Terry SnyderRacine, WI50A Dreamer Of Dreams and A Traveling Man

Julie Snyder-YulyBARBOURSVILLE, WV50#50 on my 55 birthday

Josh SobeckHowell, MI50

Kassandra SobetskiWhite Bear Lake, MN50All 50 from age 20 to 28

Tomas SolnickyMundelein, IL42Yeah, I did it .... all 50 states of USA

Gary SommervilleColumbus, Ohio50Completed during Gary & Jason's Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Adventure

Marcy SoskinCarol stream, Il50

Melody SotoFrisco, TX45All 50 by age 50

David SoudersAdairsville, GA50

Dave SouerwineMilton, GA50

Tom SouthardCleveland, TN50PIn honor and memory of Annette Justice Southard

Jeffrey SparrowChicago, IL5050 States/1000 Breweries

Daniel SpataJoliet, IL50

Mitchell SpearmanW LAKE HILLS, Texas50All 50 states by Age 40 and Stayed Overnight in all 50 States

Shawn SpechtPascagoula, Mississipi50Shawn has driven over a 1/2 million miles, mostly for leisure. He has driven to 49 states multiple times. Traveled 22 countries. Accomplished all 50 states before the age of 34.

Ethan SpenceMount Dora, Florida50All 50 before age 18

Jane Spence*50

Timothy Spencer*Scottsdale, AZ47

Jack SpencerCampbell, CA50

Judah SpinnerLas Vegas, NV50

Michael SpisakBrunswick, OH38

Randy SplaingardMetuchen, NJ50All 50 by Age 70

Ian SpryAmes, IA50All 50 by 15

Paula SpurlockAurora, CO50

Sangeetha Srinivasan37

Jennifer stahlHailey, ID50

Jerry and Debbie StampsHurst, TX50all 50 state capitals

Michael StaraFort Lauderdale, FL50All 50 State Capitol Buildings

sherard starksGladstone, MO50All 50 by age 50

Sally StarrHolland, MI50All 50 and all Canadian provinces and territories.

Don and Connie Statham Birmingham, AL50

Mary Ann SteadClermont, FL50No

Elizabeth StearnsDixfield, ME50

Mark Adam SteinBrooklyn, NY50Hitchhiked to most States from 1976–1979

William Stein IIILongboat Key, Florida50

Edward StencelBuckeye, AZ50


Owen StephensSan Francisco, CA5050x40

Kim StephensWestmont, Illinois50All 50 States before 50 years old

Jerry StephensSearcy, Arkansas50

Vanessa SterlingCharlotte, NC50All 50 by age 36


Sheri StickleyEdmond, OK43

Scott StieglitzSouth Elgin, IL50

Shelton StileSeattle, WA5050 States By Age 30, Made a friend in each state

Julianne StilesHenderson, NV48

Katie StillmanWashington, DC50All 50 by age 30

Trevor StittFort Worth, TX50Ages 5,6,10,11,37,38

Kevin StockardLino Lakes, Minnesota49C

Michael StoeckelNorth Arlington, NJ50

Michael StoltzSmithtown, New York50

Whitney StoneCentennial, CO50

David Stone JrBeaumont, TX50

Thomas Storey JrSharpsburg, GA50


Alex StowersRockwall, TX45All 50 by age 20!

Christy StrobelLakeway, TX50PAll 50 by age 60

Sarah StrohmaierCincinnati, OH50Crossed the 50th state with 3 kids 4 and under in tow!

Vickie StrongShavano Park, Texas50Did it all with my husband

Elizabeth StrotherVan Nuys, CA35

George R StroudAhoskie, NC50

Chris StrubGreenville, SC50Volunteered With Nonprofits in All 50

Trisha StruckLansing, MI50All 50 State Capitols by 50 with a dog

Tina StufftPittsburgh, PA50All 50 together as a couple - TO THE STATES!

Francis SturmsAltadena, CA50Travel Goal Getter Troika - 50 states, 100 countries, 7 continents

Donna SuEvanston, IL49

sean suggsPinehurst, NC50I have now played golf in every state as well

Shannon SuliotGILBERT, Arizona48

Rachel SullivanKenosha, WI50Visited all 50 states by age 30

Ricky SullivanKenosha, WI50P

Ashley SullivanWilloughby, Ohio50Completed it with my mom!

janet sullivanMentor, ohio50Completed this journey with my daughter!


Snehal Surve*Farmington Hills, MI50All 50 before age 30

Pamela SuttonNewport News, Virginia50

Keandre' SuttonNewport News, VA49All 50 by age 29

Robert SuttonMyrtle Beach, SC50drove in every state

Amber SuttonHarrisburg, AR50All 50 by 50

Rudy SuyatPageland, SC50

Jean SwafferLake City, MI50

Christopher SwankBoston, MA50Bucket Lists checked!

Ernest SwansonLakewood Ranch, Florida50Climbed Half Dome

Rebecca SwansonLakewood Ranch, Florida50Climbed Half Dome /visited 52 National Parks and plan to visit them all

Anna SwartsLebanon, TN49By age 40

Carl SweeneyEast Providence, RI50PAte food and used rest room in every state along with my wife Maureen J Sweeney (already a member)

Maureen SweeneyEast Providence, RI50Collected a patch and a thimble from every state

Ela SweetinPottsboro, Texas50P

Erica SweetinPottsboro, TX50P

Chad and Leah SwindleLafayette, TN42All 50 by age 50

Frank SwitCAMP HILL, PA50I have also been to all ten Canadian provinces.

Kathleen SzczepaniakGlendale, Arizona50All 50 in Under 60!

Grace SzczepaniakGlendale, Arizona4881 Years, But Grace Did It!

Deanna SzuterNorth Canton, OH50I've driven a car in all 50.

Carol SzutowiczBoynton Beach, FL50PI have visited a Presidential site for every President up to, and including, Bill Clinton


* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Lillith TafollaRedondo Beach, CA50All 50 before 30!

Gene and Samantha TakiWESTMINSTER, CO49

Cary TalbotVicksburg, MS50All 50 by age 50

Carrell TallentTulsa, OKLAHOMA50My brother Denzil and I completed All 50 together fishing in Alaska.

Joe TarantinoLouisville, OH50Bicycled all 50 States

Adell TarkingtonCrandall, TX50

Debora Tartaglino*Follonica, Italia Grosseto40Have visited 40 States

Lovina TataBoston, MA50Visited atleast 1 museum in every state in 2 years (2021-2023).

Scott, Cindy, and Spirit TaylorSanbornton, NH50visited all 50 with Spirit (dog)

Crystal TaylorBaltimore, MD50

Quinnen TaylorMurray, Kentucky50All 50 by age 29!

Dana TaylorGranger, Texas49All 50 together

Aaron TedjeskeEaston, PA50

Becky TedjeskeEaston, PA50

Stacey TeicherRockaway, NJ5050 by age 50

Dan TelferTroy, MI50

Megan TenneyMyrtle Beach, South Carolina50Completed a meaningful experience in all 50 states

Cameron TevesSWANSEA, Massachusetts50PBy Age 27

J ThalerNew York City, NY50All 50 by 17, 15, and 10 years old.

Todd ThalimerParker, CO50Ate a meal or slept in all 50 US states

Larry ThalkenEuless, TX50Starting in 1975 ending in 2023 visited all 50 states

Dill The 199 - Fred, Joanna, Brennen and CarterHagerstown, IN50Fred (by 45) Joanna (by 41) Brennen (by 18) Carter (by 17)

William Thomasplano, tx5050 X 50

Peyton ThomasSellersburg, Indiana4050 states by 25

Justin Thomas*Southport, QLD50All 50 states, all 5 inhabited territories and DC

Tracey ThomasSummersville, Mo49

Monique D. ThomasSimpsonville, SC35

Raymond Thomas Jr.Boynton Beach, FL50

Scott ThompsonPuyallup, WA50

Laurie ThompsonAlexandria, VA50

Matt ThorngrenOgden, UT50All 50 by age 50

Julie ThorngrenOgden, UT5050 States While 50 Year's Old

Charlotte ThorntonSimpsonville, SC50

Thorvardur Thorsson*50

Eric ThuerkWheat Ridge, CO50

Cynthia TimkoGreentown, PA50All Fifty States

Emily TineFort Mill, SC50

Melissa ToberAtlanta, GA50

Ryan ToberAtlanta, GA50

Madeline ToberAtlanta, GA49Call 50 by high school graduation

Steve TomGaithersburg, MD37

Daniel and Elaine TomasuloMercerville, NJ50Daniel visited college campuses in 35 states: Elaine's final state was Iowa at the Field of Dreams

Frank TomczykLAS VEGAS, NV49

Chon TomlinOfallon, MO50All 50 by 51

Angela TompkinsKihei, HI50

Rondel TooleyVancouver, WA50All 50 before turning 50

Andrew Toothill*Derby, Derbyshire50

Lauren and Jordan TopelCHICAGO, IL50Have slept at least one night in every state and visited all 50 by our 50th Anniversary

Emilio TorresTrotwood, OH50All 50 by 30!

Francis TothFalls Church, VA50

Geanine TowersBrooklyn, NY50Started in 1978

Nelson ToyeFalls Church, Virginia50

DeSales ToyeFalls Church, Virginia150

Michael TrabertChardon, Ohio50Dad and Son visited State 50, Alaska, together.

Katherine TranSan Jose, CA50START Youngest entered Kindergarten - FINISH Oldest graduated High School

Molly TranEl Monte, CALIFORNIA35LI did All 50 states

Danny TraugerMarietta, Georgia50Done in 25 years and before by my 40th Birthday

Cathy TrebelhornCrofton, MD50

Nicole TrellaMorris plains, Nj50All 50 by 50

Mike TrenkWake Forest, NC41

Jenna TrimboliOsceola, IN50PAll 50 by age 40.

Nancy TringaliMonroe, NJ50

Leslie TroyerClermont, Florida50

Kimberly TruesdaleDurham, NC48All 50 by age 50

Marissa TrujilloThornton, CO47All 50 by age 30

Jonathan Truong*Fairfax, VA50I have visited 193 countries(100% of the world every country in the world) and 50 states! I DID IT!

Inna TsukermanWalnut Creek, California50

Christina TukkerChandler, AZ50

Kristen TurnerHawley, PA50Got my 50th state for my 50th birthday.

John and Dianne TurnerCHILLICOTHE, IL47

Michael TushausHenderson, NV50PI will have filmed in all 50 states as of 9/8/2024. Also, I was cinematographer for the Black Donnellys when the set the record for over 60 gigs in all 50 states in 35 days. However I didn’t make it to Alaska until this week of 9/7-9/14/2024 being that only the two Donnellys and the director made the Alaska leg of the trip. I am on a cruise and will be filming for social media content which makes my 50th state to film in.

Tyler TutkaBelvidere, NJ5050 States in your memory Nathan.

Stephen TuttleToledo, OH49I have eaten pizza in 49 states. 🍕

Patrick TyczynskiHouston, TX50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Monika Ulcakova*Kozlovice, Frydek-Mistek50All 50 by age 30, All Hawaiian islands plus Puerto Rico

John UngermanPottstown, Pa48

Keith UrioBellmore, NY50

Karen UrioBellmore, NY50

Michele UrioBellmore, NY50

Michael UrioBellmore, NY50

Stephnaie UrioBellmore, NY50

April UzarskiPittsburgh, PA50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Michael ValentinoStaten Island, New York50All 50 by age 27

Amy ValleyGahanna, OH50

Christopher Van DevenderKansas City, MO38

Helen Van PeltMassanutten, Virginia50We drove to Alaska from Tennessee

Stan Vander MeyEscondido, CA50Visited all 50 State Capitol Buildings

Suzanne VanderFeenCape Girardeau, MO50

Leslie VashlerMcKinney, TX50

Conrad VassellAtlanta, Georgia49All 50 by age of 50

Anthony VelardiDenver, CO50All 50 Capitols Under age 30

Ignacio VelazquezHollister, CA50Put our feet in the Pacific, Gulf, Atlantic & Arctic Oceans.

Robert VendryesEvergreen, Colorado50

Robert VenetianerCromwell, CT50All 50 before I'm 60

Tom VenturaOverland Park, KS50

Susan VenturaOverland Park, KS50Lived or worked in 24 Countries

Sipke Verbeek*Harderwijk, Gelderland50Visited wastewater treatment plants in every state

Colin VermeulenEast Moline, Il49All 50 by age 15!

Ryan VermeulenEast Moline, IL49All 50 by age 16!

Stefanie VestalNorth Little Rock, AR50PVisited 50 states by Age 40

Paul VickBurke, VA50


Makayla VidoshEnglewood, CO50PAll 50 by age 30

Nathan VikSt. Paul, MN49


neil vogelmarlton, nj50

Dave VogelMeridian, ID5052 at 52 (all states, D.C. and Puerto Rico by age 52)

Aaron von EhlingerLewiston, ID50All 50 States by age 37

Stan & Fran Vozar50We camped in a majority of the states!

Theodora Vraila*50Visited all 50 Capitols

Ioannis Vrailas*50Visited all states twice and all 50 Capitols

Alexandros Vrailas*50Visited all 50 Capitols

John VranesevichHermitage, PA50Spent multiple days and had meaningful experiences in each state.

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Linda WaagenGresham, OR50ate or slept in all 50

Trena WaddlesLouisville, Ky48I visited all 50 by age 48

Tamica WadePITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania50All 50 states by way of MOTORCYCLE in less than 8 months in 2019!!

Peter WadeBrentwood, TN50Visited all 50 states at least 5 times each, visited all 50 state capitals, visited the top 100 U.S. Metropolitan Areas, visited the top 500 U.S. cities, entered the top 100 tallest U.S. buildings.

Anthony WadsworthKearney, MO50

Corinne WaiteIdaho Falls, ID50All 50 by age 80

Jeff WakelinNaples, FL50

Connor WalkerOneonta, Al48C

Jim Walker*Fort Leavenworth, Kansas50

Jackie Walker*Fort Leavenworth, Kansas50

Barbie WalkerLake Wales, Florida50

Amy WallaceSeattle, WA50

Joseph WaltersThurman, Ohio50All Road trips except Hawaii.

Alvin WansingSPRINGFIELD, OH50

Benjamin WaringPITTSBURGH, PA50Mr "World-Wide"

Eric WarmanNorth Canton, OH50Survived Hurricane Elena 1985, touched the Bearing Sea on Shemya Island, and saw the USS Arizona Memorial of Pearl Harbor.

Andrew WarthNashville, TN5050 by 41!

Robert WasonLaurel, MD50

Jerett WatnickDelray Beach, FL50All 50 by age 35

Valencia WatsonCordova, TN50Ran a half marathon in all 50 states

J WatsonMooresville, IN44U.S. Navy Veteran 1957-1963

Crystal WattWoodbridge, VA50

Christian WearlyFishers, IN50All 50 States by Age 18!

Evan WearlyFishers, IN50All 50 States By Age 18!

Jonathan WearlyFisher, IN50Achieved in 11 Years!

Ellen WeaverSun Prairie, WI50Visit all 50 states before I'm 50.

Richard WeaverGilford, NH50

Rosemary WebbMorristown, NJ37

David WebberColumbia, Missouri50I did it over 50 years without inconveniences my family or neglecting I my job. Visited all 50 state Capitols.

CT WeichmannSaint petersburg, FL50

Zachary WeigelSan Diego, CA50

Brian WelchWillow Street, PA40Completed All of Route 66 - The Mother Road

Debbie K WelchKeller, Texas50

Cynthia WellonsRoanoke, VA50I've seen all 50 before turning 50.

Amy WellsEvanston, IL5050 x 50!

Jeremy WellsPhoenix, Az50All 50 states and 7 continents by 46

Jenny WellsLexington, KY50

Nancy WelshSaint Paul, MN50Had a fun life!

Myra WentworthVenice, Florida5050th For 80th Birthday

Timothy WerbrichNewark, DE50All 50 with my daughter, Amanda

Amanda WerbrichNEWARK, DE50All 50 states by age 11

Amanda WestburyJackson, Ga50All 50 by age 50

Jeffrey WesterSpokane, WA50Had a local beer from each state.

Charles WestrupHouston, Tx50All 50 by 50

randall westveerFAYETTE, MO50Alaska favorite state!

Tom Weyers47

Debra WeyersAlgonquin, Illinois47

Karen WheelerJonesboro, AR36

Scott WherleyGrand Rapids, MI5050 by 50

Tracy WhitcombeArlington, WA50All 50 by age 36; all capitals by age 48

John WHITEHuntsville, AL41

Curtis WhiteColumbia, North Carolina50All 50 by age 50

Kimberly WhiteTrabuco Canyon, CA50First in Family

Stuart WhitePinehurst, NC50Played golf in all 50 states.

Kathryn WhiteColorado Springs, CO46Hitch-hiking across the US, drinking the lake water at Glacier National Park (after hitch-hiking there), getting a ride from a family member of some wonderful locals up to the top of Hell's Canyon in Eastern Oregon. Many others

Staci WhiteOmaha, NE4650 by 50

Tom & Patty WhitesellButler, PA5050th Anniversary was in 50th state

William WhitlockWEST BEND, WI50

Jill WhitlockWEST BEND, WI50

Al WhitneyAvon Lake, OH 50donated platelets in every state twice

Stan Wiebe*Abbotsford, British Columbia50All 50 before 65

Stan WiebePlymouth, MN5050 by age 41. Visited all 50 for a second time starting in 2014, completing Hawaii a second time in January 2023 for my "second 50th!"

Terri WiencekLeominster, MA50Climbed Mt. Washington in New Hampshire

Stephen WiistCary, NC50Visited all 50 states in both the 2000's and 2010's.

Tim WilcoxLos Angeles, CA50

Cindy WileyLaramie, Wyoming48CDrove all 48 contintental states in a year and a half. 2020-2022

Lana WilkesArthur, Ne5050 States in 31 Years

Lori WilkinMatawan, NJ50

Yuri WilliamsLong Beach, CA50Visited all 50 states blessing the Houseless /Children with Special Needs


Eric WilliamsDublin, CA50

Nekia WilliamsAtlanta, GA50All 50 before age 50

Senaca WilliamsAtlanta, GA50

Peter WilsonAshland, MA50All 50 - Finished at age 78 with my daughter Brenna!

Rance WilsonMcDade, TX50

Maude WiltshireNew York, NY5050 by 50

Maude WiltshireNew York, NY50

Tom WinerCheshire, CT50

Melissa Wing*New York, NY50

Nathaniel WinkelmannAuburn, WA50

Robert Wissel (III)Lake Spivey, GA50#50before40

Jeremy WitzkeOklahoma City, OK50All 50 before 50

JAMES WOLCHOKBEVERLY HILLS, CA50Visited all 50 before age 30

Scott WolffBlacklick, OH50All 50 by age 55

Jonathan WolfgangBothell, WA50PWe have had our family photo taken on the steps of all 50 State Capitols

Nathaniel WolpoffSan Marcos, CA50All 50 by age 12; visited all 30 MLB stadiums

Kelsey WoodPasadena, MD50All 50 by age 30 on Leap Day 2020

Tom WoodCarrollton, TX50

Krystin WoodardSpringfield, Massachusetts35

Linda W WoodcockRichmond, VA50

Brian & Michelle WoodhamEight Mile, AL50Brian played golf in all 50 States

Jacqueline WoodyUpper Marlboro, Maryland35

Lauren Woosey*Brooklyn, NY50

Jack Worsnop*Nottingham, State50

Johnna Wright PerryLiberty, Missouri50All 50 by 50

Bill WrinkleKnoxville, TN50All 50 before age 35

Ron WrobelScottsdale, AZ50

Kathy WrobelScottsdale, AZ50

Matthew WurnigHuntley, Montana50Went on a Date with a girl from every state

Ronald B. Wyatt IIIEl Dorado Hills, CA50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

No Members Found!
* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Emmalyn YamrickNew York, New York50all 50 by age 40

David YankoLos Angeles, CA44

Tony YarbroughHouston , TX5050 by age 50

Erin YasgarLos Angeles, CA5050 by age 50

Bradford YeomansNorth Syracuse, NY48

Steven YerebMcDonald, PA35

Stacey YesenoskyNew York, NY50visited 48 on a solo 80 day road trip

Chad YoderOklahoma City, OK50

Alicyn YorkNashville, TN50All 50 by age 30

Donna York-MonestereHollywood, SC49

Melissa YorksGaitherburg, MD50

Nigel YorwerthBozeman, MT50sold books in all 50

Nancy YoungHensley, AR49

Linville YoungWoodland Hills, CA37

Dorothy YoungLa Mesa, CA50

Patricia Young37

Nadira, Ryan, Andrew YoungSutton, Surrey, UK50

Larry YoungRoscoe, IL50

Nathan YoungLakeville, MN5050 States & DC

Will and Mary YounkerBattle Creek, MI50Visited all National Parks in continental US.

Timothy YounkinSan Diego, CA50

William Yrle*Metairie, LA50

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States

NameCity,StateStates VisitedAccomplishment

Charles ZajaczkowskiBradenton, FLORIDA40

Natalie ZamanBridgewater, NJ39

Joseph ZambardiGrosse Pointe Farms, MI50Prior to turning 35

Ning ZarOmaha, NE50All 50 in 312 Days

Alexis ZayasLas Vegas, NV50

Kenneth ZdrokDallas, TX49C

Dina ZeldenManassas, Virginia48C

Wendy ZellerMequon, WI50

Christine ZemlikPort St. Lucie, FL50all 50 by age 66

Beth ZenkerWoodbridge, VA50All 50 by 50

Jing Zhang*Stanford, California39

Wangmeng ZhangChalfont, PA40

Yinuo Zhang*Los Angeles, CA50

Xiaochang ZhuBrookline, MA5050 by age 21

Radwan Ziadeh*SPRINGFIELD, VA50I traveled to 130 Countries around the world, at the same time I visited all 50 states and the U.S territories

Charlene and George ZieglerKennesaw, GA40

Matt ZieglerLAKE CITY, AR41

Felicia Ziegler-GrayBELLEVILLE, Il48All 50 by age 50 and ran a half or full marathon in every state

Rob ZielinskiBloomington, MN50

Dan & Lisa ZielinskiBrown Deer, WI50

Michael ZielinskiNorth Royalton, OH50

Iris ZielinskiNorth Royalton, OH50

Jeanene ZimdarsWoodbury, Minnesota50

William ZimmerliValley Stream, NY50

DYLAN ZIMMERMANHutto, TX49Geocache in all 50 States

Ann ZimmermanWesterville, Oh50All fifty states before 50 years old.

Tracy ZimmermanGreenville, Texas48Renewed vows in all states + Washington DC

Mark ZingoHenderson, NV50All 50 by Age 51

Jean and Marc ZinkLillian, ALABAMA50Also visited Washington DC and Puerto Rico

Richard and MaryJane ZiolkowskiWilliamsville, NY50RV license plate number is DIDALL50

Zittlow Family ZittlowHolmen, WI50all 50 state capitols

Susan ZolvinskiLa Porte, IN50

Greg ZorbachSan Jose, CA5050 by age 50, Piloted an aircraft over all 50

Adam ZygmontStamford, CT5050 by age 31

* - International Member 48C, 49C - All Continental States