Traveler Info
Maryland was my first; born in Bethesda, July, 1963. North Dakota was my 50th, visited in July, 2019 at the age of 55.
Number of States Visited
Memorable Travel Experience(s)
I remember traveling across country when I was 6 to move from Virginia to Hawaii. Mom drove us three boys in a station wagon by herself, stopping to visit friends and relatives along a northern route through Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago, Des Moines, Denver, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, Reno, and on into San Francisco. I picked up various states on another move from Virginia to Texas when I was 16, this time, it was just mom and me in the car. Jet skiing in Biloxi, Mississippi stands out for me as memorable on that trip. The southwestern states were picked up with a girl friend in college from Santa Fe, who had relatives we drove to L.A. to visit. It was about 10 years ago when I realized I had been to all but about a dozen states. A few business trips, a Holiday season New England excursion with my niece, a jaunt to Alaska+Oregon+Washington, and a drive-around in SD+Montana+ND, and I’ve now been to all 50 states!
My Favorite Place On My Journey
How I saw each state and joined the All Fifty Club
Lifetime Journey
What's next for me on my journey
Travel more internationally