We are proud to give special recogintion to those travelers from other countries besides the USA. Some of these travelers came to the United States for a designated time period and went to all the states while they were in the USA. Other international travelers have made multiple trips to the United States over the years to complete their all 50 journey. These travelers are the first from the countries to claim to have visited all 50. The Club currently has members from each of the 50 states of the U.S.A. and 42 countries.
Argentina - Fernando Alonso (April 2019)
Australia - Alana Cizzio (Victoria, all 50 in 150 days), Philip Dartnell (NSW), Brendan & Lisa Wilson, John & Sue Waller, Tina and Graeme Martin (NSW), Rod & Robyn Edwards (NSW)
Austria - Andreas Laubreiter, June 2019, Anita and Erwin Frey, June 2023
Bangladesh - Md Rajibul Al Mamun (April 2023)
Belgium - Buijs/Wienese family, Ioannis Vrailas 2016 (all 50 twice and all 50 capitols)
Bulgaria - Tsvetelina Churalska (44 states as of January 2024)
Canada - All Fifty Club Members from Canada are listed only in the regular List of Members
China - Ding Ning, Henan (all 50 by age 28, drove "Amaura" his Suburu Outback to lower 48, 38,000+ miles), Yinuo Zhang
Croatia - Sasa Foric
Czech Republic - Libor Bilik, Monkia Ulcakova (all 50 by age 30, all Hawaiian islands and Puerto Rico, 2020), Martin Nekola (all 50 capitols, October 2023), Wendy Batkova (May 2024)
Denmark - Jesper Bach-Breitling, Ronnie Dahl (by age 29) , Ole Ginnerup Schytz, Esben and Jette Høstager
Ecuador - Scott Bloomquist (48 states)
England - All Fifty Club Members from England are listed only in the regular List of Members
Finland - Timo & Mirja Havulinna (December 2014), Petteri Järvinen (October 2016), Peter Lonnberg (48 states), Seppo and Kirsti Vehvilainen, Aki Autio (July 2024)
France - Francois Rolling & Isabelle Sollinger
Germany - Ingo Caron (April 2013), Alexander Lieber (September 2018), Offerman Family (July 2013)
Grand Caymans - Gilbert Nicoletta (rode motorcycle to all 50 by age 50, in 4 years, July 2014)
Greece - The Vrailas Family (Ioannis Vrailas, Christiane Bourloyannis Vrailas, Leonidas, Alexandros, Theodora, July 2016)
Hungary - Bence Erdelyi (December 2014), Andras Herczeg (January 2014)
India - Shama Baruve and Prashant Kumar (first couple from India, ages 29 and 30, September 2018), Aroop Sircar, (ate iconic food in each state), Anirudh Reddy Solipuram (September 2016, age 25), Allan Paulose (from Chennai, visited food banks and homeless shelters in all 50, age 29, 74 days finishing in August 2015), Apurva Singh (from Mumbai, India, visited all 50 States + DC, at 26 years of age in less than 5 years, drove 40+ rental cars, drove 45,000+miles), Rama Subramanian Damodaran (Chennai, December 2022), Praveen Ravula (at age 24, epic trip 2 1/2 months)
Indonesia - Shafir Sie (September 2021)
Iran - Ali Arab ( January 2018)
Ireland - Ethan Connor, Ethan (all 50 by age 3), Ryan and Julie Connor, Northern Ireland, Con Lawless, Dublin, Adrian Hogan, Limerick (May 2023)
Italy - Nicole Barilari, Mila Canestraro
Japan - Shinya Shimada (January 2023)
Lebanon - Afif Abla (48)
Nepal - Gopal Lamichhane
Netherlands - Sipke Verbeek (April 2023), Hendrik Klein Haneveld (September 2023, 50 by age 50)
New Zealand - Barry Brill (Northland, 2012), Susan Taylor (Auckland, May 2012, 50 by age 30)
Norway - Semming Austin (May 2016), Kjell Gunnar Børresen, Ole Dalbye Kristensen (48 states), Jan-Arild & Grethe Edell (2015), Morten Ovedal (November 2014)
Pakistan - Fouzia Siddiqui and Ajaz Ahmed (October 2022)
Phillipines - Rosy Odyssey (all 50 in 5 months, July 2023), Gerald Carlo Imperial (February 2024)
Portugal - Vera Reis & Marco Silva (hiked a trail in all 50, June 2017)
Qatar - Hassan Al-Mannai (all 48 contiguous states, Sept. 2023)
Romania - Diana Cristea (March 2020)
Russia - Marina Kozhevnikova (35+ states)
Scotland - Jas & Sandra Cunningham (September 2017)
Singapore - Justin Ng (May 2021)
Slovenia - Matej and Ajda Marn (May 2016, all 50 in 4 years)
Spain - Alberto Corbi & Maria del Mar Hipola (July 2014), Marta Corbi (all 50 by 30, August 2015)
Sweden - Erik Bahri, (Stockholm, June 2016), family of Per Eriksson (September 2014), Eva Gustavsson, (climbed to all 50 state highpoints, July 2009), Jonas Jörhag (Örebro, April 2014), Karl Karlsson (Vaxio, September 2014), Anders & Isa-Belle Lindblad (Uppsala), Carl-Erik Sjoedahl (Vaxio), Caj Svensson. Klas Vikman (climbed to all 50 highpoints, July 2009), Peter Moberg and Anna-Carin Bjoerkman (July 2019), Louise and Björn Lindvall (Bromma, August 2022)
Trinidad and Tobago - Engel and Amanda Jones (48 states in 12 weeks)
United Kingdom - members from the UK can be found in the List of Members
United States - there are All Fifty Club members from every state in the USA, the List of Members has the hometown of each member