July 31, 2023

Congratulations to Chadwick and Amanda Jones and son Kenneth Collins from Virginia who spent the night and did ‘something’ in every state. They went to the extremes – north, south, east, and westernmost points. And swam in all of the Great Lakes. And were engaged in one of the most beautiful spots in the country, Palo Duro Canyon, Texas. There's more...
By Chadwick Jones:
“We made it to all 50 states! It’s been such a journey that ended in Barrow, Alaska on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. So many memories and photos. For me, it was a big deal, because I wanted to complete it my whole life and for my family and by the time my stepson finished high school. In March 2020, the week everything shut down from Covid, I was diagnosed with leukemia and it was a low point but was able to put it in remission and it made us want to work even harder for the Goal. We achieved it and we are proud of it.”
- Visited All 50 State Between June 2016 - September 2022, Spent the Night in Each State, and Visited Something in Every State (including Washington DC )
- Visited 21 National Parks
- Visited/ Stayed overnight in several locations on Route 66, Visited all 5 Great Lakes and Niagara Falls, and Visited the Pacific, Atlantic, and Artic Oceans. Visited Several Locations on the Oregon Trail
- Been to the Easternmost point of all US land in Lubec Maine, the Northernmost point of all US land at Point Barrow Alaska, the Southernmost point in the continental US in Key West Florida, Westernmost Point on the Island Of Oahu in Hawaii.
- Visited many Pop Culture / Movie Locations. A few that were are favorites are where Bonnie and Clyde were killed, Many Stephen King Movie/Book Locations in Maine, Field of Dreams in Iowa and many Forrest Gump Movie/running locations, Stanley Hotel in Colorado, and many more.
- Been to Several pro sporting events ( including all 4 major pro sports )
- The most important memories of all are getting engaged at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas, Completing all 50 States in the same year Kenneth Collins finished high school and when being diagnosed with leukemia in March 2020 was able to put it in remission and complete this goal.