May 17, 2018
What is your next travel goal? Most of us love looking at maps. Bob, a 50-stater, shared a new challenge with Club. The Border Crossing Challenge (BCC) described below will open your eyes to a different way of looking at state visits. I realized there are many parts of the country that I haven’t been to on my travels. More places to go…
Each of the 48 contiguous states touches at least one other state, and some touch as many as 8 other states. For instance, Massachusetts shares a border with New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island. If one adds-up the total number of these state/state borders, the total is 107. Each of these represents a potential border crossing (See attached list). The BCC challenge is to cross as many of these borders as possible.
There are, of course, land borders and water borders. This challenge involves any border that one can cross on foot or by boat (but see special notes below) or other land-based vehicle. Air transportation of any sort is not a valid border crossing method for this Challenge.

Other details—for this BCC challenge, it does not make any difference which direction is used for each border crossing. Crossing from Massachusetts to Vermont is the same as crossing from Vermont to Massachusetts. In addition, for those who keep good records of their travels, historical border crossings can be used to achieve their 107 BCC goal. I propose that, for reporting purposes, the total number of border crossings be used. As an example, my current BCC total is only 83 even though I’ve been in all states once and most states twice or more! It will be very interesting to see if anyone has made all 107 border crossings!
So there it is, the newest challenge for those who enjoy their travel experiences and revel in the desire to conquer the best our country has to offer. Good Luck!
- This challenge applies only to the 48 contiguous states. Alaska and Hawaii are not part of the challenge.
- The following water-only borders are not part of this challenge.
- Rhode Island/New York
- Michigan/Illinois
- Michigan/Minnesota
- Land crossings can be made by foot, riding an animal, motorized or non-motorized vehicle, on land or over a bridge or through a tunnel. There should be some sign nearby to indicate that a border is being crossed.
- Water crossings can be as simple as swimming or wading, or involve boats, including ferries. For instance, crossing Lake Champlain by ferry is a valid crossing for the Vermont/New York border.
- Sitting/standing on the circular four corners monument (where the four states of Arizona, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico meet) automatically results in six border crossings. Note also that this is the only way to get two of these crossings.
Thank you to Bob Rainville for coming up with this new travel challenge and working through the details!
Bob completed all 50 in 2013 and has spent the night in each state and photographed all but one state capitol. Final State: South Dakota Favorite: Hilton Head, SC