Record Holders – Pets

Harley Dree Hudson from Alabama completed all 50 in Alaska in May 2023, but she did not stop there. She revisited state(s) to take her dogs, Toast and French, to all 48 contiguous states of the U.S.A., wrapping up in Arizona. The dogs' favorite things are all the new couches they get to lounge on. Walks on the beach are great, but water, including Niagara Falls, is too much like a bath! They will hop in any open car door if given a chance because new smells and familiar faces tend to be at every stop, from the rock yards in the heated areas to the PetsMart parking lot birthday celebrations and even the chaos of snow. They love adventures as long as they have each other. @TheHudsonPath

Teresa Hanula and her dog, the one and only Leonard Lee, have been to all 50! As a puppy, Leonard crossed into state #2 at 8 weeks old and state #48 at age 2 1/2. They went to Alaska in 2021 and completed in Hawaii in March 2023 and celebrated his 5th birthday there. Favorites - Colorado, Fargo, ND, and New Orleans. See pictures and videos of this travelling pup at Leonard is the youngest dog to go to all 50!

Congrats to Steve Tuttle and his cocker spaniel, Ellie! Steve completed all 50 in 2018 and Ellie accompanying him on the lower 48. Favorites: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and Maine. Final State: Rhode Island

Member Spotlight - Cindy and Scott Taylor went to all 50 with Spirit, their canine travel companion. Spirit used a dog wheelchair to get around, as a spinal stroke had left his hind end paralyzed. Scott shared, " that never slowed him down - his "spirits" were always high, he loved meeting people, and they were inspired by him." Final state -Hawaii, December 2012.

Congratulations to Imke and Maddie, two German shorthaired pointers who traveled to 49 states with owner Trisha Stuck. Not only did they visit the states but they went to each state capitol too! This picture was taken at the capitol of Virginia in Richmond, which was capitol #48. Trisha also achieved all 50 by age 50. Final state - Hawaii, October 2019. Owner Favorite State - Alaska and Vermont, Dogs' Favorite States - Connecticut and Oregon, but they love their home state of Michigan best of all! Read more.